Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JUST ARRIVED. 1 1 Baby Carriages OF ALL 8TYIJa, {(u$, IX THE LATEST PATTF.HXS. “HOUSEHOLD" Sewinor Machines o Haxd Sewixg Machines, r?"AJ1 VVith the Latest Im;irov-uients' , J3 PAKLOK Organs, Guitars, And Other Mnsiod Instrnmenfc«, Wines, Liquors, Beer always ox hand, axd FOB SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLiEGER 4 G0. King 8t.. oppo. Costle A Oooke’». fJatiūnaI Ieou Wūrkg Qcee\ Street, Between Alakea «fe Kiehanl St*s. THE UXDEBSIGXED are prepared to I uiake rll kinda uf Iron Bra«s. Bn>n*e, Zinc. Tin and Le«d C aating8. Al»o « Gener*l Bepir Shop for Steam Engines Bice Uiiīa, Gorn Milla, W*ter WheeU, Wind Mill», ete, Maehinee for the ae.ming‘of Coffee, Ca*t jr Oi!s,_Beans, Kamie, Sim1, Pinoappie Leaves k other Fihron» P anta. And Paper Stock, Al«o Machines for Ertrscting Starch froat the Manioe, Amv Boot, etc. AU Ordera prompt!r attended to. WHITE, RITMAN 6i CO. HO YEN KEE & 00. Tinsm)tbs and dealers in Crockerj- ware, Gl.tssware, etc. Water Pipes Laid andRepaircd, Plumbing Xeatiy Kseonted. No. 41 Nnuanu St., between King and HoteI Streets, Asfh Building. KW0H6 8UV6 CH0NG & (10. Ocn.txa.ctcx <5c B~u.lld.ex <fec. e also keep on hand Sēdsteads. Mattrasses. Tables, Bookcases, M/RR0RS, Eic„ AT THE L0WEST UARKET PR/C£S Ji<x 216 Kiog st., Honoinln de4 3ra