Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Mr. S. B. Pole has agaia been >uriering fn»m indispo8Ītion. The steamer Pekiug, from ihe j Orient for San Francisco, is now o\en1ne. Tbe bark Martba Davis from New York for Honoioin is now 147 days out : overdue. The UHual weeklv uieeting of tbe P. G. Advisory Couucil wiil take plaee to-morrow afteruoon. • Tbe Volcano is verv active aod the fiery ebullitions iuduces great act»vitv in visitors to the Volcano House. The colored man injured by the ex-stewardeas of tbe S. 5». Castle is reported a>. improviug ' in couditiou. The “ Williama'’ of the Star by soine people called “bills” are uow out for “collcction, tliree ■ mouths iu advauce. * The fu 11 prograrume of Miss Albu’s Benefit Concert to take plaee next Thursday will i<ppear m to-raorrow's issue. Look out for a big saTprise. Tbe Board of Education met this raorning. Messrs. C. R. Bishop and W. D. Alexauder did i not attend. Anuexation is of raore importauce thau edncatiou. > The revolntionists are en- i deavoriūg to change their uame to “loyalists’ so as to reduce the | expected great change to Royalists in the “sweet bve and bve : * .1 Dr. Fitch. well knowa here in i eouneeliou witb lepers and leprosy and the lusane Asylum, , is now Supreme Medical Examiuer of the l uited Workmen with hendquarters in Sau Francisco. The schooucr Nonua, Capt. F. 1). Walker will very probab!y have to-morrow for Fanning’s aml Washington islands. Mr. David Oroig who is here ill, will returu home by her to Washiugton islaud. As speciallv requested the , Albu will repeat the duet ! “Hear me Nonua’ at Miss Albu s (Julie’s) benefit on Saturday eveuing at the Opera House. L’hia iteru alone caused quite a furore st the openiug concert. The uative aewspaper “Ka Lei Momi” (Wreath of Peaila) bas I had its name chauged to “Ka Makaamanu” (The People) yesterday, aud will henceforth be ! published as one of the ‘Tveople’s’ paj.>ers. No change in policy. Mi-s. M»rv Ailan will leave bv the Australia ou Saturday for San Fraucisco for the puvpose of ( superiutending the exhibit at the ! Midwinter Fair of Hawaiian | curious, hats. fans, etc., whieh j will l>e placed for sale during the I exhibition. A number of Hawai-i I iaus, of the gentler sex. will leave j together with Mrs. Ailau. aud assist her at the Fair. w The “ Advertiser people elaim. ! :iud howl about being Americans. » but everv opportunity is taken ■ by the real alien crowd, of Ha- , waiiaii subjects, to iusult the ‘ loeal repi eseutalives of America. • Oouaul-Genend Miīls bas lieen cou8t»ntly attacked iu iunueiidoes : |jy the “Star ’ and the “Adver- ■ tiser” this moru»ng airas for higher game and iusults the \merican Miuister. * » m ***> —• — M. S. Lew has extended hia 1 stores by locatiug them iu the |{obinsou Block ou Hotel street. The large and first elass sUvk of drv gotxls whieh Mr. Levy * oarries has iuade his busineas v»jv populai*. and nece8aitated the reaioval of it to more s|»acious quarters. Everybotly deairing auy posaible article in the flr\ ' goods line should eall on Hotel ?tr eet *nd inspect Levy s stock.