Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — The Board of Edncation Resign in & Body thls Morniog [ARTICLE]

The Board of Edncation Resign in & Body thls Morniog

At a meetiug of tke Board of Edacation held this morning the members preeent decided to re sign in a body. The reason for this alep b tbe action taken by the Councils in regard to the eonatruetion of tbe Board. It will be remembered that the eommiitee of edacation in tbe Adri3ory Council with Mr. £mme!uth at its head has recommended certain alterations in the methods . and principles heretofore guiding the Baartl. The members of the Board, now resigned. were C. R. Bishop, W D. Alexander, W.W. Hall, W. Hili, andS. M. Damon. We now expect to see Mr. Erameinth at the head of tbe co\xutn’'s educational artairs, ’