Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — A NARROW ESCAPE. [ARTICLE]


Capt. Chas. Zeigler‘s Close Call C*pL Charles Zeigler tbe popul«r oommander Co. F. of the regular troopa h*d a v *rv cloise eall from being cfushed death, yesterdav atlernoon. Ti e surronnding the ‘‘c]ose eall*' as far as ean l>e asce ta;ned are that Capt. Zeigier is n the dtily habit of indu!giug in an aflernot>n nap so as to rtt him properly for his night doties. His cot is situated in the southwest corner of the former Legislative Hall. Yesterday aft ?rnoou, contrary to his usual oustom, he absentod I himself from ais seista and while the cot was meani a large poniou of the heavy eomieee work and ceiling felld>wn upon the plan usually occupied by the Captaian Zeigler’s body. At rtrst it was thongbt the Captain was there and was killed aud willing hands chased away the ruiu only to be gladdened bv the cheerful voice of the Captnin desired to know “who in, (New York> done that The ceiling h is siuoe beenentirely removed-