Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 3 January 1894 — SHE’S MY ANNIE! [ARTICLE]


Cupid In the Ranks of Hitchoock. I — \ Mars aud Cupid, althongh of vastly dirterent characteristics , have beeu known to be tbe most congenial of companious on more i thau oue oeeaaion, and as eaeh dav passes bv there is more and stronger eridepce presented that the petite but wily god is hard at work ensuaring raanv i devotees of Mars, both civil i , * and military, the confessions of the bachelov victims being the most positive evidences of Capid*s snccess. The latest victim to subtle god and who plaintivelv begs his “Annio;' to **Sp«*dk lo me li. 1 mv Jie»fi tit*»ril Or :t vrlll break. f..r ouo klml wonl." ! is enrolled iu the ranks of Mar- ] shal Hitchcock’s gaard who are i supposed to keep watch and I word over the peaceful city of Houoluln, after night bas spread her mantle. The pleading of the I oAieial lover is presented to bis ! iuamarata on heavy fashionable letter paper from a well-known j English manufacturer and bears, i iu the upper right-hand corner, ! an embossed device of a M dte.se ! cross on a Crusader s sbield, sur- ! rounded by six stars and the motto “Gaide la crois.“ The speoial pleader, however. was on I prempted territory aml his only satisfaction will be to enjoy (?) the reading of his brief, in print, , as follows: : Houolola, December 29th, froiu a Sencere friend Dear Miss Annie, it is my gretest Desire to make vour aquaintens as I am deplv I in love With yonr lady ship [oh! Rats!l and I hope tbis few lines Will make room iu your heart for my love to you [yum, yum]. I have seen vou a few times but I * Never had au oportnuety to adress rovself to vou * • so Xow 1 Wiah you I Would grants oiy the oportunetv to see yon to Night bv the gate at t>;30 p.m. I reminetl yonr , | Siucere friend, ’ |