Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 4 January 1894 — MR.S.B. DOLE’S ANSWER. [ARTICLE]


A Lengthy and Uninteresting Brief Handed to Minister Willis. Mr. S. B. Dole a lawyer and an ex-J adge of tho Supreme Bench has made up a very lengtby brief in response to Minister Willis’ deiuand on the Provisional Government to suri render. The telror of the document resembles very mueh the i printed ebullition of Mr. Tburs- j ton directed against Mr. BIount ulthough it is couehed in a mueh more gentlemanly tone whieh of conrse is characteristic of the i different nature of the twowriters. i Mr. Dole reiterates tbe saroe i old story as wo havej heard so often lately that the revolution- j ists had no support from Stevens or his forces and were amply able | ;to take care of themselves. Un fortunately for Mr. Dole this assertion has already been , emphaticaliy contradicted by Messrs Stevens, Oamon, and } roany other of the most iuterested

partioa. Mr. Dole clisavows Mr. DarootTs sUtements and actions altogether, and elaim that the minister o£ huanee acted on his own responsibiIity and had no anthority to prantanything to the Qaeen. This • is an issue betvreeu the veracity of Mr. | Damon who in his report! to Mr. Blonnt has proven him self an honest, upright and fearless man, and the other leaders of the annexstion party who so far has stooped at notbing in the line o£ falsehoods where they lbongbt 4hat a poini conld be gained. A long complaint against the mis rnles of Kalakana and Lilinokalani ag«inst LegisUtnres anvl agaiust eeiiain meaanres adopted by the lawlol representatives of the Hawaiian

f \ people embo«liccl in the brief. 1 Mr. Dole coald have saved bim- : jjelf to m»ke a speci»l p!e* io i that line. To the Americ»n Administiation the question is ) I n ot what may be or may not be best for Hawaii. bnt. simply, b*s an injastiee and a wrong been done bv America and to that question a decided and final answer bas been given? shall in onr next isbne go into * tho detads of Mr Dole’s answer.