Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Advertisements L. H. DEE, !OBBEB OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers, HOl'EL 8T.. b«twe«n Fort »nd M. S. LEVY, i ** . * * W !REM0VED! To 5(3. B0GIMS0N BLŪCS 00161 Slreet • M. S. LEVY, ■Dry-:-G-DQ[js Store jsn‘2 lw j ! Holiday Presents Tlm iiuder8igned bt>g )eav«* to enll thc Httention to h lnrge hs Bortnieut of tasteful aud elegant Jewelry suitHble for Christma* Preaents KLawaiian Flag l^ina iii ditfereut sizes Piawaiian Jewelrv a specialty If yo« naut to buv au elegaul and at the same time an ineipensive Christmas Fresent. eall around and inspect my stoek. THOS LLND 8At, Mcln«ruy Block, Fort 3t HoualaU l«cl tt Sans Sūuci HDTEL, WAlklKl, HUNOLLILU. Ficst~C/ass A eeommooations for Tounsts and lsland Guests. SUPERI0R BaīHIVG FaCIUT/£S. Private Cottag e« for Fami/ieS. T. A 81MPSON. oct9 ■ 1 Man«ger