Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A. cl ve r t i se me n i Criterion Saioon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Iuvoiceof the celebrateili JOHN WEILASD pale LAqER Also, a Fkesh I.woioe of

C\U(=Ol^NIA OYSJEF^S FOR °Y S T EF^ COCKfA v lLS L. H. DEE, Proprictor. City *s Meat Bfarket Op|>o. Queen Emraa Hall, Establishetl 1883. JOS. TINKER, PAM * L Y bJjcHe^ Mnkrr ofthe Celt , hrnt''d Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Doliveretl to Anv PaH of the Citv antl 8uhurbs. Muioal Telepho'ne Nmnl»er C.T. AKANA īailoP! 324 Nnnanu Slreet A.I1 Guaranteed To Fit antl in the Latest 1 S4yle. Clotbea Cl«M»ued aml Hepaimi. bo17