Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — Our Band. [ARTICLE]

Our Band.

The Hawaiiaa Natiotta| Band ; will give a compliiuentary ooncort Tbnrsday night at 730 o’elook at the Hawauan Hotel. in ' houor of Mr Thoo H. Davie9, The following excellent pr»gratn me will l>e rendered: I Mai«b-"Oolamkaaa (Va«rv1 — Brookc ; f, 0»«rtarc—•‘Williaai rtfl" Bo«ini 1 5. ConMt Solo—*'Cn S»»e« a‘ Uoomo" 4. Haieeūoo - “Hawaiun 8>og«’*. Lihomio 8o.no>. 6. "l' Do« Fo*wri” Vwdi { « M*dWy— , ‘Tb* Ken.Weoa*” (a*»ll Femzsi 7. 0onirt8ok>—"Bol«rv> ‘(«»•>») Frv>i«n » Oalop— *‘R*ilro»d' lm| (olluw Qod i»t« iL» Qae«B. "H«»an PoBot." Tbe 1* G band propoae6 to ; gjve a eouoeii at Emma Sqoare thm eveniug. if »eather permits. lbe Hawaiiau N .tionaJ Band wil) give a muaieal cbno«rt at ihe > Hawaiiau Hoto), Thoraday oigbt ( lahaihai or uo, tb« weather.