Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HOLOMUA PUBLISHING Co. PrBUSHF.RS OF THE 44 X 4 * 44 A. Jonmal lssued Dally, 'Snnday e\oepted) lu the English language. and p!edged in policy to aupport the Riohts and Previi,eges ot the Hawauan People. the interests of the laboring men. «nd good and honest Goverument for the whole conntrv. ALSO 0F THE U Hawaii Hnlnmua )\ A. Jornal I«»ued \A'eekly in the Hawaiian Lauguage, W1TH The Larg:est Circulntion < >f bi»y pbper piiklisl>ed iu the Hawuiiun la)hude. 16-? JOB’ Printers All Boo«s and Job Prwtlno ne.tly executed at short noliee •nd at moderate fignrea BILL HEADB. CARDS, LLTTER HEADS POHTSB8. etc.. Finished īn First-Clase »tyle. Klaud Orders so)iciied and promptly att#nd#d to. Ornci: Thouiaa' Block, King Streel. Honolulo, H. I.