Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

L Advertisements ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863; Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKERY asi. | ICE CpM p^LŪ^ F HORN. Fropkietor. I PRACTICAL & (linaineoki In all brancfaeK of tfao humnow on {faese inlands. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH and GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Weddif)g Birth*dai| Mnele of the very best raaterial, unsnrpassed in richness of quali ty and ornamentedin nnapproachable style. at lower prices than anj' other establishiuent in Honolnln. Faraily \ Fancij Epea^, Guava Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds and Tamarind Syrup. All Confectionery Mannfactured at my Establishment are Guaranteed t"> be Positively Pube and sold at prices no other establishraent ean corapete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Street, Between Nuuanu and Fort Streets BOTH TELEPHONFS No. 74. HO YEN KEE & 00. Tinsiniths aud dealers in Crockery Ware, Glass Ware, Etc. ] ■ Water Pipes, Laid and Rapafred. P!niubtii|{ NVkUv Eiei'uUni. No. 41 Nunanu St., between King and Hotel Streets, Aseu Building. KWOHe 8DG CH0HG k G0. |Coxxtxoctoz BvLild©i Paiuliua:, tIkē, 1 We al*o keep on hantt BFDST£ADS. Mattrassēs. ĪA8l£S. Booxcasēs. MtRRORS, Etc„ !>I7 THĒ LOW£ST MARKĒT PRtCĒS ; No 316 Kiug at.. Honolulu d*4 3m