Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — Unwitting Corroboration. [ARTICLE]

Unwitting Corroboration.

Mr. Johu L. Stevens, furmerly minister to Hawaii, lecturetl iu Soraerville tbe other evening .uid it was generally snpposed tbat be i woukl make some interesling oon- : tributions to tbe Hawaiian oon troverey, aud be did, thougb |>erbaps uudesignedly. for bis retnarks in tbe main were general and not particolar. He did assert however in plain and unvaruished langnage that if a vote of ; the people of Hawaii was taken j it woukl be largely in favor of ! the Mnna» - c*'y and against tbe 1 j Provisioual Government. In tbis be allinu- d one of Commis i sioner Blonnt s statements aml sbowed very pkinly that tbe un1 surpatiou of p->wer was agaiust : tbe will of the j»eople. But Mr. St vens did not uut ! bis foot in it <|uite as badly as 1 did H W. Severance, who was t Connsel-General at Honolulu at tbe time of tbe revolution aml 1 ) wbo rusbes mb> print witb h eon- > (tradiction of Commissiouer 5 ! Blount. Mr. Severauce states: “ “1 am satistitHl tbat everything bad beeu surreudered to the Proi • i visiona! Guvernment before it was recognized by Minister Stev- : ens, though is is tbe aim of Mr. I ( Biouut s re|K.<rt to make it app* ar otberwise. My first notificatioo of tbai retK>gnUion was on the inorning of Jhu. 17, when Cap i | tain Wiltse of tbe Boston drove ! | over to tbe consulate aud iut formetl me. He said that »11 had been sarrenderetl aod that Mr! i I Stevens had recoguized the Provisional Government. ‘ The Provisiunal Govorument r wa» proclaimed at 1 o eloek on i j the afteruoon of January 17th. i j That ntorning the eapUin of the I I Amenean vessel infonned him i Mr. Steveus had recognized tbe insurg. nts In other words i j Minister Stevens kuew and recogni*etl Uie revolt before it took ’ j plaee, Kiul the eaplain of tbe ; A.mericj> n marines and aailors ‘ waa privy lo that fact. lt ooiy ! needs two or three coutradictioaa 1 !»»• Mr. Sev»renee‘s to make

«T*rvboay acknowledge whftt most people beHere. Ihat Comm:ssio«er Bloant' 8 report w * tratbfnl aad anbiased doonment. — Litvril Time* ■ 1