Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 January 1894 — The Policy of Infamy. [ARTICLE]

The Policy of Infamy.

Latest returns from Hawaii put j the late Republican administraj tion in a bad light. If the New York Sun will now transfer its scarebead ‘The Policy of Infamy" to a fair and full account of what President Harrison did in Hawaii, it will thus be able to make good its boast, “If yon see it iu the Snn it’s so.” Special Commissiouer Blount’s report shows that the present governraent of Hawaii is a government uphekl by bayonets. The question of the advisability of a monarchical government is not up for consideration so far ;as Hawaii is concerned. The : Cnited States government, however, has been put in a shameful attitude by the act of the Harrison administration. Mr. Blount's repOrt demonstrai tes plainly that the power of the Cnited States was used to force the Qaeen from the throne. Our | government stands in the attitude :of the strong bully of a weak j nation. Our forces were used to coerce : the late monarchy in Hawaii and were used to further the objects of a ring there. Thus far, I therefore the “policy of infamy” | has been the policy of the Republican administration under | Benjamin Harrison. —Richmond | 8taU.