Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 January 1894 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]


Dl*Tt*S PiTH. Ont bv>m tbe barbor of youib bay There lea.U the p*th <A plea*nre; With <mc«r *teps «ne wxlk that wav To hnm joy‘« !argest measare. But when with a>on)'s dep«rt}iig l<eam Goe* TOtnh s last peeeioo» minuW, We sigh “ 'twas but a fevtre<i dre<ua— There * Bothiag in it. TLen on onr Tision dawu» afxr The goal of glory, gWnung Like aome great ra«liant soLtr »ur. AnJ sets us longiug, dreaming. Forgetting all things ieft behinJ. We straiu eaeh u«rve to win it. But when 'tis curs—alas! we dnJ There's nothiag in it. We tum our saJ. relnctant gaae Upon the path of Jaiy; IU barrea. nninviting ways Are voiJ of b!oom auJ beaoty. Yet iu lhat rcad, thoagh Jark aud cold It aeema as we begin it. As we press on—lo! we beholJ There's hcaven iu it. — Ladit* il. iiu JoorH<tl. IHE MIKPH UF CUMP15¥ A. “ForwarJ, maieh!" was th« Captain’s word. And the tmmp of a handre«l men was heanl, As thay formeJ into line in the moroing Shonlder to shonlJer went Company A. Ont of the shadow into the snn, A hundreJ men who moTeJ as one; Ont of the dawuing into the day In glittering tiles went Compauy A. Marehing along to the rendezvons, By gras.sy meadows the re>ad ran throngh, By springing eomhehia and orchards gay, Forward, forward, went Company A. And tbo pink and tbe white of ihe apple tre»9 Falling fast on the fitful breeze. Scattored their dewy, scented sprar Straight in the face ol Company A. A breatb like a sigh ran throngh the ranks Treading those odorons blossom bauka, For tbe orcbard biil*ides far away, The northera hill» des o( Comj)any A. Forward, m%rch! and the dre*m was sped; Out o( thc plne wood straight ahead Clattered a troop of the Sonthern gray Faee to (aee wīth Cotupany A. Forth with a flash in the Sonthera snn A hnndred sabres leapcd like one. Sndden dram-beat and bngie-play Sounued the charge for Company A. Halt! What is here * A slnmbering child, Ronsed by the bla-t of ihe bugte wild, Between the ranks of the bine aml the gray Eigbt in the path of Company A. Nothing knowing of North or Sonth, Her dimpled tiugor wiUiin her month. Her gathered apron witb hloMom* gay, She stared at the gnn* of Company A. Stmight way *e( (or a sign of trace Wbitely a ban<ikerchief flntt«r»d Ioom; In (ront of the »tee! of tbe Sonthcra gray Galloped tbe Captain of Companr A. To ibe saddW bow he swnng lbe chsld, With a kias on the baby’« lipa th.it amiled. W*hile tbe boys in blne an<! the boys in gray Cbeered for the C«ptain of Company A. Forth from the rank of hia halted men. While the wi!d hnrraiis rang ont again, Tbe Soathera lea<ler spnrred hi* way To m«et the Captain of Company A. Ont oi the ann* tbat held her safe He took with a amiie tbe littl« wai(e; A grip ot the hand ’t«rixt blne aad gray, And back n>Je the C«ptain of Comp«ay A. Cp there In the Ji*tant ooUage door, A mother cla*ped b«r ohild onee uore. Shnddered at «ight of tbe «moke ciond gr*y, Shroading the palh of Compaoy A, A liUle later aad ail waa <lone. Th* batUe «mow. tbe vīciory won, X-jlhmg ru kft of the plil— fray Tbat swept th« ranka ol Company A. Sothing w«a left, «rv« ;be UooJ statn Darkecung iha orchard’a ru»y rair.; DeaJ li» chief »t tbe Soatb«ra gray, AaJ JeaJ th* eapUin of Co«spany A. Falkn togetber the gray aaJ blae, Gom lo tbe final nu>J«avuaa; A gr*t« io oovttr, a pr«ycr to say. Aod—Forward, BUtch! w«nt Ccmpany A.