Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 11 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Immi-anoe jS^otices instjrancb FIRE & MAHINE The LNi>ERffl0XKi> is autboriz<xi to take Fire and Maiine FKsks on Buildings, Merchandise, ĪIulls, Cars:oes, I»Vei «:hts and Commissions, Current Kates in the following Cotupanies, viz: Royal Insurance Co • - - Liverpool AlUanee Assurance Fire $ Marine, - Lonāon Wilhelma of Mad£ebur$ Oen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .T. S. \VALKEB, Agcnt tor Hawaiian Islands Fire, Lifc <& Marine HAUTFORD FIHE INSURANCE C0., Assets, $7,109,825.49 LONDON LANCHASHIRE F1RE INS. CO., Assets, $4,W 7,052.00 1HAME8 MERSEY MAHINE INS. CO.. Assets, $6,124,057.00 NEW YORK L1FE 1NS. CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian lslands, Honolulu, H. I. Telephones: Bell 351. Muiual 417. Residence : Muiual 410. P.O. Box 117, E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Builder Estimates Qiven on .AlII Hinds 0F T crn AU Kinds of Jobbing in thc Building .Trade J Attended to. KEEP8 KOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Cement. Iron Stoue Pipe and Fittings, 01d k New Corrogated lron, Minton Tiles, Quarry Tiles, asst>rted eises «nd eolors; C*lifoniia and Monterey Sand, Unuiiie Corbing and Biocks, etc.. *ete. OFFICE YARD: ( Corner King <51 Smith Sta. < Officc Hours, 8 to ia M., ( t to 4 P. II.