Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Wbat is so rsre as. an answer to Juour P. G. leiiul plavs at Emma Squaro this aftornoon. A little over a month bet\voen now uiul the 1 < th of March. No signs yet of the bark Martha l>uvis iluo here from Boston. Tho U. S. S. Mohiean is now fnlly due from San Frunoi«co. The Central Union Church will be open for visitors to morrow. The Emmos’ proj>erty waswithdrawn from sale. Too mauy biihlers.

— The bark Albert is liable to show up uow at auy momcnt from the Coast. Snndav service will be held at the Komau Catholic and Angliean Oathedrals to-morrow. The Government buildings now look as though the Provisional Qovei nmeni hud boen lately u ūng bulls of twiue. The Hawaiiau £lectric Light aid Power Co, hoj>e to make the iuitiatory start, this evcuiug, of a long Quiuterruptevl ruu of their works. Over three thousaud of buuches of bananas were oarried forward by the Mouowai. W. O. Irwin & Co, sbipj>e<l 5649 bags of sogar. The domestic value of the c»rgo from here. was 122.008. The outside walU of the paUtial resideuce >4 the l«t<i Priucess Kuth ou Emma Street, uow owued ai 1 occasioually oeeupieil by Mr. C- H. Bishop, are receiviug a much-needed cleauiug and repairing.

I fui we»tb»-r to-di>y. j v wonM Honoluinites i>e if poLticft was not a dĪ9turbiug elemenl. Elder Clapp witl hold forth to j Lutter Day Saints at Miiilani hall, rear of tbe Hawaiian Opera Honse to morrow at 11.15 a. m., ar.d 7 ;30 p. ra. 4 The correspondenU were supplied with copies of the latest phase of that •Daranabīe Pl>>t, and tbe HoLOMea issne was entirely eihansted. Saturday’s shoald be enjoyed bv excorsion trips, over the Oahu Bailway to Bemond Grove, Pearl City and to the great Ewa sugar plantation aud mill. j Mr. L. J Levy, the auctioneer ! sold, on Thursd»y a pieee of laud, j situated in an alley otf Fort' street, belonging to the Mariano j Oomaeha estate for ?1,050. Tbe funeral of the late F. S. Pratt will take plaee frora bis resideuce at Punehhowl street, corner Palaee M alk at 2:30 o’eloek to-morrow afternoon. Who has Mrs. Vina Kingkilled that the’ Ti-r shonld eall her a “colored murderess' \ ina will be apt to “put a head" on the maker of that line if she inter- j views him. — The manner of presentation of the King woraan’s case in the j Poliee Court yesterday afternoou was iuore of a persecution than a 1 prosecution. The testimony of Washington, the man hit, would not have held the woman. The charge of embezzleraent ugajust Richard Day has been nol prosed by cousent of the party most directly interested in tho property lost. lt is hoped that the experienco will mako him a less ardent annexationist. The exbibition given at the Yokohaioa Bazaar of the usefuluess and gootl qualities of the Walcott premiura knifo was very 1 sutisfaotory aud as a resnlt, many of tho handy articlo disappearod iu the depths of pockets of appreciativo custoraers. A fe\v | left. Mr. H. E. Padgett who bas ixad the superiutendence of the steam-plows at Ewa Plantation is otl for a short vacation whieh he intends to make good use of by a trip around Oahu and have a l>ok at other plantations and their raethods. — A stray dog, looking mueh tho worso for laek of caro and atteution called at the Holomi'a olhee lately aud intimated his objectious at not receiving a personal , uotice. Tho disroputablo lookof the our, ho having been engaged in sorae kiud of a shindy, indnced the advice that he go to sorae ! park aiul hide himself. The advi?e costnothing but it was Uken. Gre»t is tho Holompa. 1