Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 January 1894 — Who ths Men are. [ARTICLE]

Who ths Men are.

The piineipal witnesses in tb« Hawaiian case. now on trial before the people of this conntry, sre Mr. Stevens and Mr. Blount Indeed to no sm <11 degree the main question at issue. just now. is the question of the veracity and good jodgment of these two ; men. In making up a verdict on this pbase of the matter. tbe . character, standing and reconi of the men must be laken into eon- > sideration and most fonu the , , basis of a judgment so far as j S their rival and contradictonr * ? ■ statements are concerned. In • this connection, it will not be ‘ forgotten that the Republicau administration, under whieh Mr. Stevens acted, “disavowed” his course, though availiug itse1f of the resnlts of that conrse to seek ' the making of poliiieal capital. j Mr. Blount haa been a member of Congress for soruethiug liko : i twenty yeara and had resigned I his seat with a magnificent ei- ! j pression of his fellow inembers’ i | confidence and admiration. In that, the Repnblicans joined unauimously. When he was sent to i Honolulu, hia formor Republican associates in the House unani- ! mously approved his selection as | that of a man of immense ex- | peiienee iu dealing with our \ foreign relations and of a most J judicial cast of mind. Stevens : was “d’savowed’’ by his party representatives, and Blonnt was ! endorsed by the Rcpublicans in Congress who had been associated with him for years. —Grand Rapids J)em.