Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 16 January 1894 — CORRESPONOENCE. [ARTICLE]


I j f\V« de aot bold oniKlia rwpoitsible for IUm opkaiom <n the aUmaoee of o*r Editor Holo3cta: At the “dictation’’ of the board of officers at the he.\d of the present armed gsog of roffians. tbe members of the Adviaoiy Conncil. at its last session. passed a resolation instmcting Miniater King to gazette the 17th of this month a holidav. Immediatelj in aeeonianee with sach instruc- : tions, Minister Kiug announces ; thatWednesday, Jannary 17thwill be observed as a Naiional Holiday. If the officers commanding the “braves’' and the present govemment. wish to reeognize the day of their attempted theft of a uation. they, no donbt, bave now the power to do so. The Minister of Interior shonld have annoanced, tbat the I7th of Jannary being a Govcrnment holiday, | their offices would be closed for the day. The M5nister of the Interior has not tbe power oi right to name any day as a Xationcd Holiday, sncb action requires an act of Legislature. Even the wording of the resolotion introduced by Senator Emmelulh and passed by the Councils, does not authorize the Minister to make any such announcement. Oouneilman and (Senator?) Emmeluth iu support of his reso!ution, said, “they bad held tbe fort twelve months,” and was of opinion that, that was occasion . enough for a celebration. That man of brains (?) does not state, what (nnseen) force, attacks, and charges he and tfcey have held the fort against. Nor does he iuform this community, how they have (been allowed to) held (hold) it The lately returned writer of the Advertiser whose brains (?) are allowed to spread over the editorial columns of that eheet, says, “Let us then eelebrate tbe 17th of January, because it bas mado us free” That is a bntve assertion iomake. The young man has made a mistake in tho date. It should read “tbe lst. of February,” the day on whieh Mr. Stevens establi«hed his protectorate ovor tbe government tbat the Advertiser supports. The lst. of February, because it freed the present governraent and the ’Tiser clique, from the demauds and clamor of the armed gang who were backing tbem, and wbose demands the governraent was not prepared to refuse. That is the day to celebrate, not the other. Speaking of freedom. It looka very mueh like now, as if the membera of the Executive and Advisory Councils are not allowed a greut deal of iudependence; andasfar as tbatcasteliatededitor aud his clique are concerned, they bave not enoagh of it to brag about The armed dictators to the Government and also to the AdvertUer clique, are tfae most free of ihem all, and even they are not so weli off, in that respect. Let all Hawaiiana keep away from anv and all of to-morrow’s m Aolemniiie*. It is no plaee for ihem; it m«y be only be an irritaiion and tbe eauae of ill-feelings. i Therefore, every Hawaiian should not pay any heed or thougbt to the observance of tho day. No one is compe!led to. Observer. Ewtob Holokua: Sorae of the papers of Honolulu have seen fit since my brotber’s tronble to eall us a hard crowd, and that we eome ol a figbting family. The fact oI the matter is. Mr. £ditor. tbat we don't take any particular oontract in slangfatering people, but il anybody eomea around )ooking for trouble, tbey axe apt to get ii They start it and we fin;sb ii Moai oI oox troubles au»ply ariae, heeanee w« try lo pr«vent otber people froaa walking on n. Yoorc raepeetfa)Iy Joe. Fereira. Hooolola dan. \ū, 189i