Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — He Lectures About It. [ARTICLE]

He Lectures About It.

We have not yet heard tbat in any fair-and-square reply, Mr. Stevens has ever eome ont in a statement sbowing that Mr. Blount’s summary of the Hawaiian incident isdisbonest. Mr. Stevens was Minister resident at Honolulu when the Queen was thrown 1 out. On all the evidenco thus I far produced, it appears that he | was able to be the central figure in a conspiracy simply because be had the say-so, as to what the United States troops might not presume to do. This moruing’s news finds Mr. Stevens on the lecture platform in some little town in Massachusetts. It seems to us tbat he is siugularly out of plaeo there — who is the man who heeds platform ntterances of the sort? Mr. Stevons leaves his aodience to infer ihai opium rings, lottery rings and Claus Spreckels are agencies from whieh this country haa mueh to fear. Did he, as minister, warn ihe government of this impendiug danger, and are his reports to that effect on file with tbe department at Wasbiugion? Mr. Stevens has a rigbt to hire ont at the going rate a night to iecture onder the anspices of soroe leciore boreau and to ialk Hawaii as his iheme, if he wants to. Bat it aeema to as that such eonduct on his park is singolariy out of plaee jast at this time. The reporiof Mr. Bioant makes him cat the chief figare in a conspi1 racy. He started ont for the i conqoest of a kiogdom. merely as ■ an Amenean minister, without » ever intimating to tbe home govi ernmeat tfaat anything of the aort i waa in ihe wind; and, now that ■ Ihe facta are before the pnhlie. he doesn’t appear fo be prepazed f to face them. PIaiitadee on a * leotore plailonn like those re- * ported thia moraing certainly do noi constitate en aaawer that » «HeHee tfae pahlie.— (Ex.) »

The w.»rth cf a ton <rf dtamonda ' sftthepnarat day is cstimated at I »35,000, 00.