Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — PHOHCED PHOHAGING [ARTICLE]


Succcssful Raids by General Scissors. Europe has 1500 theatrea. 1 here are 10,000 Amenean aotora. Wbrld’3 annual coffee eonaumption, 0-50,000 tons. The worth of a ton of diamonds at the present day is estimated at l3o,000,C00. The birth register3 show that “Eulalia” will be a popular name this seasou foiTnew young Iadies. Clara Giltman—“Are you paid for all the jokes you write, Mr. McCoramick?” Humoriat—”Yes, Miss Clara, all my jokes are made at some one else’s expcnse.” Thongh sigDs of sammer that perplet May oftea eome to hand. The iee cream «ign ia one that Th« Wses HDd«nUniI. “Binkles and his g!rl have had another faliing out” “la it poeaible? What cau9etl it?” Defective hammoek.” In the Dime Museum—Visitor— And is the bearded lady your mother? Infant phenomenon— Nixy; eheU me fadder! Members of the Engli8h Lfo Guards cannot be tried br court* martial unless tbe meraberB of it belong eitber to their own or one of the other Hoiisebo)d regiments. He (speaking of presence of miod): I remember of being in a panie onee when I Ioot my wits cotftp!ete!y. She; Ob, was that the way? Wife—Don’t you thin* this hat makea me look o!d? H usband—I don’t know. I got tbe bill for it today, and it made me feel old. “Dr. BoggIes seem to be a very prominent man in tbis eommunity,” aaid tbe vist*ir. “Yea,” repiied tbe boat, “be's ooe of tbe piUers of society.” Young man—“I 8uppose you Ihink I eome bere a great deal. don’t yoo?” Small boy— “I don’l think aboot it at all, bat ai8ter says it tires ber tj death.” He: la your aiater very bigb cbarch? She: Higb u they make ihem. Sbe discbarged our o!d faroilr pbys!cian last week for aaying thav sbe had a alow ferer. Onee on a tiroe ‘‘popular’ muaie was soppoaed tn be muaie fuil of melody, bnt judging from the mejority of seIections played at all of the band concerts aad the way tbey are applaaded “popu!ar” muaie now ta uaeaie conai*ting principally of tra, ta, ta, played by the bigh instrumeota. and ompha! omoha’ of the low, or sand-floor jig» whieh eommeeee nowbare aad go nowhitber. Bot if the people wani iheae you ean’i hlaaae tht banda for giving tbsm.