Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A dvortisrmen.ts JOBBER 0F Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL 8T.. between Fort ai 1 I5etbel s f reets. Hoīiday The nnd8rsigned beg leave to eall the attentiou to a largo assortment of tasteful aud eiegant Jewelrv, suitable for Christma' l Presents. Hawaiian Pin. in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry a specialtv. If you want to buv an elegant aud at the same tiuie an inexj ensive Christmas Present, eall around aud inspect mv stock. THOS. LIND 8AY, Mcln«ruy DIock. Fort St.Houolnln ded tf Sans Snnci HDTEL. WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. i* F/rst-C/ass Aeeommooa- . • tions for Tourists and /s/and Guests. SUPERIOR BA ĪHINO FACILITIES, Private Cottages for FamilleS. T. A. S1MPS0N. cc *9 Manager. KW0H6 8ING CH0NG 4 C0. CJorLtxa.ctox Buillciex »fcc. e also keep on band Bedsteads. Mattrasses. Tables. Bookcases, Mirrors, Etc„ lowest uarket PR/Cēs No. 216 Kiug st., Honolulu dei 3m