Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 January 1894 — SANS SOUCI. [ARTICLE]


Grand Seaside Moonlight Concert. Mine hc>st Simppon, of the Snns Souci Hotel at Waikiki, has ari:»ugoil with the Hawaiiau Nutioual Band, Sigmor Lihomio leader, to give n inoouIigbt eou cert at tlie favorite seaside resort this eveniug. Tbe moon (unlike Berger’s concerts) will be present ou tbis occassiou and will gaze siniliuglv on tbe assembled multitude wbicb is expected. The concert will eommenee at 7:30 o’eloek; following is a list of tbe eveuts; 1 MarcL—“Cohiml>iau Ouanl” Brooke j 2 Overture—“Cosuioj)olitun” .. Prendeville .1 Polka—“Twin Brotlu-rs" Meyrellos ' 4 Coruet Solo—“Cnu S"iiocu Monaeo” Dlegor. | | \ative Songs. Medley — “lk»ston Huke" Brooks 6 Waltz—“Hawaiian” Libornio ! 7 Danza— "La Paloma” Ynuiier 8 March—“Kaiulani" Libornio J Huwaii Ponoi.