Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 19 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.WA.I! HOLOM^A 18 PrBLISHED Kverv teriioon EXCBPT SCNDAY IJV THE Holomua Publishir.g Co. At King St. (Tbomas block), Houolula, H I. SŪBSCSIPTm, per Hanih. 5C Cts. i Th»< j>»jX“r is dehvt-re.i by Carriers in tbe towu ttixl »nburb- }»iiigle Copies 1 Jr Sale ut the News Dt!iUers ami at the Offioe of publication. EOMUNO NORRIE. - - Editor A3RAHAM FēRNANDEZ, - Manager \OTICE. All 15usines* Commui’ications 8h >nld V>e ».hiressod to Ahniham Fenu»ndez, Houoluln, H. I. Correspoudence anJ Coa)innuications for pahlicatlon shoold Ih- addri's>ed to the E>litor ilawuii Holomua. No notice wili be paid to any nuonyinoos coiumnuic«tions. Husiuess C’ar<ls A. P. PETERSON, ATTOUNEV AT LAW. 113 Kaahumann Street. Honolnlu Huwaiian Ialands. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORKEV AT LAW. Offlee: 113 Kaahumauu Street, Houolalu Hawaiiau lslauds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT I.\\V. 314 Mercha«t Streot, Honolulu, Mutual Tolophoue 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORI). ATTORNEY AND OOUNSKLU>R AT LAW. Offiot>. Ohi CapiU)l BuiKUns, (Honolnin Unk), adjoining Pust Offioe, Houolulu. J. M. DAViDSON. ATTOKNEY AT LAW, 3vX'» Merchaut St.. Oilioo (Mutual) Tel. lSt). Besidence t»7. A. ROSA. ATTORXEV AT LAW, No. 16 Kaahnmanu St . Houolulu, Haw.iiian Islands. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTOKNEY AT l.AW, OAĒioe, ooruor King Jt lh'thel St.s. LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Real £state and Oeneiul Auctioneer. Comer Fort *id Qutsea Su«eu, Hoooiuln Penioual atteution givon to Snies of Furnitare, Roal Estute, Stock and Oeueml Merchaudise. llniunl Tclephwue 23» |