Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 20 January 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Santiago, Jan. 9.—A series of distnrbances. said to be due to tbe Balmacedists, bave oceorred . bere. Au atteinpt bas been made to seize tbe artillery barracks aud twelve of tbe leaders of tbe conspiracy bave been arr»*sted. Massowah t Jan. 9.—Dispatches from Kassawa eonlinu accounts of tho battle betweeu tho ltalian troops and tbe Dervishes. It is stated tbat the latter left 4,000 dead upon the field, and tbat their leader, Hamed Ali, and all bis omirs were killed. Paris, Jan. 1*2.—CballemelLaeeoua was to-day re-elected President of tbe Senate. New York, Jan. 12. —īom'O-; Rourke, Dixon’s manager, basj accepted the ofter of J. 8. Cul-| bertson of Chicago, to back Youug Griffb against any featberweight in tbe world for $10,000. and bas deposited $1,000 witb tbe sportiug editor of the World. OTionrke’s only stipulation is tbat the men are to figbt at 120 pouuds. Berlin, Jan. 12—A dispatcb from Darmstadt says tbat tbe marriage of the Grand Duke of Hesse to Princess Victoria of Coburg will take j>lace earlv in tbe spring, and tbat the Qaeen of Eugland will bo present at tbe ceremony. New York, Jan. 12. —Tbe Oeneial Committee of Tammany Hall organized to-night with Augustus W. Peters of tbe Consolidated Excbange as permaueut ehaimian. Vice-presidents and ehainuon from eaeh Assembly District were chosen. A resolution was road pledging tbe support of Tammany to the prineiples of Democracy, and urging a prompt settlement of the taritf question as the only means of inq>roving trade aud tbo eomlition of tho ummployed. Fresident Cleveland was congratulated upon tbe repeal of tbe silver purcbasing cluuse of the Sberman bill in fulfilhnent of tbe promise given tbe people at tbe time of eleeliou and tbe assurances of the loyaI support of Tumraany Hall iu all bis cfi‘orts to secure tbe enactmeut of Democratic measures aud tbe enforcement of Democratic priuciples v.ere renewed. It ia statod tbat Tammany bas raiscd $fiō.0tX) for tho relief of tbe unemployed. Washington, Jan. 12. —The consensus of opiuion among botb Democratic and Republioan Congressmen to-nigbt is that tbe Wilsou Tarift' bill will pass tbe House witb but little friction on tbe Democratic sido. Tbe only determined opposition. of course, will be ou tbe Republicau side, and, being so small a minoritv, tbis opposition will bave no effect. Guthrie (O. T.). Jan. 12.—H. S. Foss, a former millionaire cattle-raiser aud a wboles;;le grocer of Kingfi>ber, O. T., a man well kuowa all over tbe Soutb-west. w«s mun.lered on tbe• leading street in Gutbrio to-day, bis slayer being George J. Derr.j whoso fatber was assassinated oni tbe nigbt of December 30tb. A long ehain of seusatioual events leads up to tbe kiiliug and forms a cbapter of crime seldom equaled. Berlin, Jau. 12— Itis «nnounced tbat tbo Russian deleg:ites bave agreed ou tbe proj.K>s«Hl RussoGerman commen.*ial tn?aty, and tbat tbo duratiou of tbe treaty is| to l»e tea years. Luiulou, Jan. 13. -A disputch hus just beeu roceived fr?m Cape Towu, dated Jau. 12tb. eoufirm iug previous reports of the massaere uf Captaiu Wilaou’*

p*rtv. The Er-gli-ih force sncoanibed after s de*perHte straggle. They resisted to the last, and many MaiabeIeS were killeil, but the nambers were so great that resistance on the part of the British was of no avail. Belgrade, Jan. 1*2.—A fresh Cabinet crisis exists and the King is conferring wltb tbe opposition leaders. Baltimore (Md.) January 12 —A naan s«allowed an electric Jight i at tbe City Hosp':taI yesterday ; afternoon. He was J jhn Thomas a wbite patient. who volonteered to do the trick in order that the j 4<X) stadents and the faculty of the City College coulJ see how I diseases of the stomarh are ; diagnosed by the newest fangled !method. Professor FrieJen1 wald pressed the b u t to n , the 1 i g h t did tho re»t and the abdominal cavity wa» I all aglow. The interior raaichinerv of Ihe man was faiatly j visible. Thoraas kept the (bulb iuside fur about teu : rainutes, then it was drawu up \ by a striug to whieh it was attached. He said he felt none ilie worse fur his experience. St. Louis, Jan. 1*2, —Josepb Ullman is in receipt of the following telegrara from Joseph II. Yending at Jacksonville: Corbett and Mitchel contest will posi i tively tako plaee as advertised. Inform your friends. j Chicago, Jan. 12 —Ives and i Slosson played to-nigbt iu the balk-line billiard touruament There was brilliant play on both j sides in spots »nd at oue time i Slosson looked like a wiuner, ‘ but he fell dowu at critical stages i and lves at midnight wou. Sau Fraucisco, Jan. 12.—The ship's boat of the lost Lady Larapson has been conveying stolen rope from the vessel Drum Rock to tbe junkshop. Tbe wbitehall boat iu whieh the bawser was fouud had been gi\e i one coat of white paint whieh only partially covers tbe words “Lady Lampson, Houolulu,” on her ste»n. This is the identical boat that the mate aml five seamen of tho Lady Lampson sailed away from Paliu}’ra islaud reefs in last Febrnarv. After floating about on the high seas for many days and snfiering frora hunger and thirst thoy were picked up by tbo Martha W. Tuft frora Apia aud brought to tbis port. Washiugton, J.iu. 8.—Tue Senato Judicary Coramittee today decided uufavorably ou Hornblower’s nominaiion and will reccommend in a majority report that he be nōt confirmed. Hornblower was a Republican candidate. Parkersburg, (W. Va.), Jan. 12 —Judge Nathau Gofl’ in the Circuit Court has decided that part of tho late lottery law is nneonstitutional. Tho case was that of tho United States against Paul Conrad and others. Tbey were iudieted for using the mails for unlawful proposes under the law whieh provides that indictments may bo brought in any State or district in whieh the mail fraudolently nsed cironlates. The defendants were discharged. Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 1*2.—The Uuited Ststcs cTuiser San Francisco arrived here to-day, aud the American otficers were astonished to fiud Adrairal De Mello and his flagship, the Aquidaban, here, as the Iast they Lad heard frora the rebel coramander at Bahia he was still operating in the south. Montevedio, Jan. 12, —The 8 correspondent in Rio rejK)its that cr. Jan. 4th all the Ministers of foreign Powers having war ships in the bay informed Peixoto and Saldanha that they would suspend all eflorts at intervention bc-tweeu the contestauts. aud that both sides might go ahead and bombard eaeh other to their heart's content, but tho foreign w,<r ships did not move from their »nchorages. Rome, Jan. 1*2.—The Pope has approved of ihe nominalion made by the Propaganda of the Rev. George Montogomeiy as Coadjator of the B s'uop Mora of Los Angeles. California. Rev. Father Douabuo hus beea appointed i Bishcp of Wheeling. West VirSan Fmncisco, Jaa. 13. —Ohii* Evaus tbe eso&ped bandit is stitl at Urge. 1 City of Mexico, Jan. 12.—A

f , greut reIigious nprising is threat-, vued at LtcU«ria aud aIreaJv:, : -570.000 worth of proporty has' been destroyetl. Washington Jan. 1*2.— . Tbo Execative Committee of the Kaiional Republie Committee, whieh has been in session in Wjsbington for the pa»t two ■ days, has dose\l ap.its work and j a majority of its members have | | left town. Carter was downed, ! j and with him fell the Harrison i standurd, so far as the control of ( this committee is conoernevi iu j : the interest of the ex President It is stated by politicians who 1 ought to know, that Chirmain ; Carter is verv mueh dissatisfied, - , , * , ‘ over the fact that there is noj j Harrison strength in the commit- ; • tee, for it was hi» purpose, it wu» understood, in calling the eommittee together at this time to | inangurate a boom for ex-Presi-Jeat Hurrison for the Republicau noraination in 1896 He utterly| failed iu this, and no aid what-j ever will be given tho H trrison elcinent iu this committee. Washington, Jan. 12. —The Committee on Coinage has Jecided to report favorably, by a vote o( 9 to 8, Blund s bill Jirect ing the Secretary of the Treasury to eoin the silver seigniorage iu the Treasury. The Senate to Jay iu oxecutive session confirmeJ the following uominations: Jobn M. B. Sill, Minister ResiJent anJ Consul Geueral to Korea; Robert E. Preston, District of Columbia, to be Diroctor of the Miut. San Francisco J:in. 13.—About 800 people, inviteJ guests of ; William F. Sesser, the conces siouaire, were yesterJay given a private view of the Cyclorama of of Kilauea—the craterat Hawaii. A receptiou followed, at whieh light refreshments were serveJ. The crater representeJ in this cyclorama is 800 feet Jeep auJ two miles across. It is a lake of bubbling anJ thuuJerous lava! set in the siJe of Mauna Loa, a mountain 15.000 foet high. The station for the spectators at the Fair is supposeJ to be a heap of lava whieh exuJeJ anJ soliJifieJ in the center of tho crater. When tbe performance began, apriest climbeJ thocliffs tliat rimmeJ the sceno aml chanteJ au invocation to Pelo, an 1 his £orm aJJeJ to the reallism of the cffocts. It was a qaeer, almost heartrenJing chant, aiul to a listener who couldn’t nnJerstand tho Hawaiian language it might have boen satisfactorily explaineJ either as a Kanaka speech ou au international episoJe or the iuvolutionarv wailings of a man who neeJeJ meJicine. There was singing by tho Pele qnartet, likilili accompuniment, and tbe music was JeciJedly plaintive anJ pretty. Baftalo, N. Y. Jan. 12. —Mrs. Johu L. Sullivan knockeJ out the big bruiser last night with an Imlian club. He remaiued “out’ for 60 minutes. Washington. Jan. 8.—A quornm answered iu tho Honso to day auJ it was JeciJeJ to take up ! the tariff bill. the vote standing • 189 to 0. ten more than a quorum. | A special order fixing January : 29th for a vote on the bill was also adopted. The preliminaries haviug thus been scttleJ Chairman WiIson of the Wavs anJ Means Committee rose and opened the Jobate on the tariff bill. I Lomlon, Jan. 6.—The AJmir-1 alty has resolveJ to builJ fouri . first-class battleships of similar Jesign to the Magnificent anJ the i Majestic at a cost of £1,000,000 ; eaeh. .! Jacksonville, Jan. 6.—The t formal proposition for a fight in ; private. two newspaper men to . piek the kattle gronnJ in case . the Duval Athietic Club is uuahle; ; to fulfill its contract and prevent: : iuterference, has been mado to ; Charles Mitchell by ehampiou Corbett. \\ Baltimore (MJ), Jan. 7.- The i. Anti-Treat Club, au organization iutenJetl to break up iu tbis cit\ the American cu»tom among men > of treating to Jrinks. has been ■ incorporateJ bere. Eaeh member II is requireJ solemnly to pleJge tbat he will neither txeat nor allow any member of the club to treat him. The restriction applie» i to Jinuers. cigars. car fares ani | other thing», as well as to the habit of *‘seUiug up the Jrmks. i

W;ishington, J.in. 8.—The »d , vocates of the A\ ila>>n Tar jf JL>U1 triampheil at to day*s session of tbe Hou»e, and that measure i» np for consideratioo. ThLs vic- j tory was only n»aohed »fter an- ! other Serce bsttle between the Repablican and Democratic lead- : | ers. LondonJan. 9.—Tho engage-; menl of Ti»coant Deertharst. - ! eldest »<.>n of tbe Earl of Coventry. | to Miss Virginia Daniel Bonynge ' |of Ci»lifornia, as announced yes terdsy, is considered a triumph of match making diplomacy. Berlin. Jan. 9.—The raising of the American Mini»tcr. Hon. ! , Theodore B. Runyon, to tbe rank ,of Amb«ssaJor has jast boen i giveu fiitting siguificance by a special compliraent paid by tbe; Emperor Jriving up to the Embassy on New Year’s morning. j ! senJing up his card anJ per>oa- : ally inviting Runyou to hi- ro- • ception. Washiugton, Jan. 9.—It i» IearneJ from an authentic source late to night th;\t PresiJeut Cleve lanJ has issued new instructioos to Ministor Willis unJ that they are to be delivered to him via the revenue cutter Corwin, whieh has been orJereJ to returu to Honoluln. These iustructions were telegraphed late to Jay to Sau Francisco anJ aro import iut. because of the fact tbat the President has notifieJ Willis to »t ito to all foreigu powers represeuteJ at Houolulu that they mu»t not interfere iu anv way with the present situation on the islanJ. Chicago, Jan. 8.—The Pompeii of the WorlJ’s Fair eame to night. Fire JestroyeJ the Peristyle, Music Hall, Casind aaJ the great Liberul Arts builJing. The losswouIJ have reached millious haJ tbe Fair been open. One firemau was killeJ anJ three injureJ.