Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 20 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Advei'ii8ements H MAY. & Co., Tea Dealers, | Coffee Roasters AXD Provision Mercliants • i)8 Fort Streot. - Honolulu Eamilie», Plantations an l SLips supplied with choK*ost Euwpean Ā- Anu nieau > C*lifornia Pnxlnce by Every Sto'.mor. - J — i JUST RECEIVED from JAPAN’ i Several Kiiul of Co : :ton Crape, Latest Styic of Shlrts in Jifforont qaahtles. \{mt A$ortm0nt of poi^eelain . Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and manv Curios suitable for Christmaa Goods. 411 KING STREEr, IUonu'olo. Telophones, Boll 47 . P.O. FV>\ ;iv>. M'ilnal 514. D'il3 hu iUST ARRIVED, IW W M Bahy Carriages OF ALL STYLES, CA^ĒJS. F;Uqs, MM s i IX THE L AT1 sr PATTERNS. | ‘1H 0 U S E H O L D ” Se\vin(T Machines H.\xd Sewiso M\chixes, AU With th |ImproTemeat» PAP.LOK Orirans, Ouitars Aod Otbrr Muaeal lu«tramenu. \Vines, Liquors, Beer ' ALWAY8 ON OAND, AND FOR(SAL£ F-Y ED. 90FF3GHUEG£B l C0. ,St.. oppo. AJC<x>kn“*.