Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 25 January 1894 — THE CRIMEA. [ARTICLE]


“Giw as * *ong," ihe soi.l:er cned, | The ooier tatocb— gQ*niiQg, I When the Leulel <nns of the eamp *liied j 9rew vearv ol bomb«niing. j The birk Kevi»n, in iilent stoS, Ij»y ghm ami threaUiung nn ier. And She tAwnr moand of tbc M*Uk. J No kmger belched its thnnder. ‘•Gire ns a 9ong. " the gnanisai«n s*r. “VTe storm the forts to-morruw; Smg while we mar, another day Will bring enongh of sono»." They h»y along the haltery - 9 side, Belew, the smoking eannon; Brare hearts frem Serern *nd £rotu Clyde, Aad from tbe banks of Sh.u;:i 'u' They sang of lore, and not of fame. Forgot was BriUun’s glory— Eaeh heart recalled a d:fferent name. But all sang Annie Lanrie! Voice after roice canght np the song, L nt;l its teader pass:on Kose. like an anlhem rich aad strong, Their battle-ere coofesaiou. Beyond, ihe darkening ooean burne-.l Thebloody snn$et embers; And the Criraean ralleys learned How £ng!ish love remembers. And onee again the tires of hell Kained on the Knssian qnartcrs—'Vith scream of shot and bnrst of shell. Aud bellowing of the mortars! An Irish \ora‘s eyes are dim, For a singer dumb an 1 gorv, An tnglish Mary monrus for him Who sang of Anuie Laniie! Ah! soldiers to rour honored rest, Yonr lore and glory bearing; The bravest are the loveliest, The loring are the daring. Batako TavLO».