Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — Trials of a Kentucky Minister. [ARTICLE]

Trials of a Kentucky Minister.

In spcaking cf a well known minister who was until not very Iong ngo past,»r of a l.irge cmgregition :n this city, tue I.oui.<rillf Caur. Jour. saya: A member of tli:it church s iid yesterJay: "Few people kuew what he »uflVred. He was the nearest appniaeh to Job thal I evcr saw. The neW9pnf)ers uvght h*ve had a gr-.*al sen?ati >n out of one of hia trials. Tnough one of the best known preachers in IjOuisviI!e, cousidering his stay here, his wife was a morphine eater. On one oeeaaiua when he had to go to ckurch to m.irry a young pair bis wife locked him in his room. He fitialiy gucceedej in c!imbing through the trans.Hu and arrived at the a!ler al'ter keeping every one waiting [>r neariy balf an hour. *’She oflen IookeJ him up to try to keep him fnm preaching, aud her treatment of him w*s often l*v> in hu-nan to be d scribei. Yet with a11 that a c<>mp!aiut never left hia lipe, and h-j perf <r n»*d b»s religious duties uuder a ment.il ag<»ny that few are ca!Ie<l on to fear. She took an active pirt in the cburch soc eti€s’ and not unlil ab <ul the time of tbeir d<.*parlure was her terrib!e nabit knowa outaida ihe family. Her children were often beaten like animai?. I know lhes« thing to be facts, an<l if the names were divu!ged it would thrill ihe citr with astoni»hroent.”