Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 27 January 1894 — Hawaii in Politics. [ARTICLE]

Hawaii in Politics.

Tbe Kepuhlioui inenibers of the Seimte are making more deplorable spectacles of them* eehea ou the Hawaiian qaestion tbau tbe Populist tneinbers did reoentljf on the silver qnestion. It is, of conrse, a g;me 6f politics, only. Tbe Repnblicans howl for tuformation, whicb thej know has uet oouie to the !State Departmeut, and accnse the Presideut of secrec3', insultmg Congtess by conceaiing fucts and so-fortb and so on, when everv fact reg«nliug the situation in Hawaii that h«s reached Washington io ready and io tbe posseseion of Congress, while tbe President bas promised to present furtber ioformatiou in a special message as soon as lie receives it hiaweU. lt is almost ineouceivable that pray baired Senators. sucb asHua.ii aud Sberman. shon!d indnlge »u such chsld s play. The only eoneluoiou to draw from theii foulish atkck on the President is that the Repab!ican leaders are mueh poverty stricken lu tbe matter ol polilieal eapila).