Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

J. KEMPNER. pasMoaabIe TaiIor G£STLEMC» , S SOTS CLOTfflSG iy M.\DE T\» ORDEK *^v2 Oood Variety o f Fint < iu Cleanin>j and RepairtHg Xratly D>>ne. Ierm5 Keomhle. Give me a Triil. 107 KING STR£ET. 0ppcs te A £'g' n ’ Hono’ulu fel £chooI —Will OPEN — Monday, February 12 — i A L’l’L IC ATIO N S For ailmissi n shonld be madt* i<umedi iteiy, stating age aml st.nding of appiicant to Pi’ineipnl. ja29 1w CHAS. CIRDLER, Importer aml Comimssion Merchant. 8P3CIALTTES; J. & P. Co»ts' Miiehine Tareail Jonas Brocks’ M;»chine Threa l Barbour’s Lineu Thread Pears’ Soap P. O. Box 358. Muta.il Tekphone 336 13 Kaahnmana Strvet. CEMEWT glDEWi\Ll$ ASD uurbing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of 0ton0, M/ei^ Co.\CKETB A SPECIALTY. JNO. F. BOWLER. ja»17 3m WM. DA¥IES, R1GGEK : and : STEVEDORE E3TIXATES A\D Co\TKACTS 0\ ALL KI\DS OF WORK. Tiie .Schoooner MAHIMAHI. wil! rnn regnIaHy between this port .mil Walnlua. K;iw.iib>.pai. Mokuleia, Keaweuui »«.! Kniki . n the island of Ouha For Freight, etc , applr to the Captaiu. Ornc«: With Wright : Fon Str»-et. <W I6-tf C.T. AKANA i IV|0i 1 cīīar 1 fc lailoi 1 ! 324 Nanana Street X V11 Suits G uaranteed To Fit «n.l in tbe Late»t Stvle. Clothes Cle.*ned «nd Rep»iietL *«ol7 W0NG SUIG C50RG & 00. 2oao.tia.ctoi e Sz &c. KjfT We also keep on band ! l Bedsteads. Mattrasses. Tabi.es. Bookcases, M/rrors, f/c„ AT THĒ L0WEST MARK£T PRtCES I i, Xo. 21G King st.. Honoiulu d«4 Jtu