Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 1 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Uxr>orBTEDLT Mr. Honrv Castle struck a distillery when he met Messrs. Nenm nn and Cornwell yesterday. The claret flowed! — The Minister of Einanee is tlways parading bimself and his | Ananeial statemerts 5n snch a manner that any ordinary citizen ; wonld certainly believe that the ! treasury was in tho most healthy and opolent condition. How is I it tben that school-te«chers were ' asked to wait for their Jannarv salary till Satnrday? Mr. Damon, riso and explain “ Trcthful Jaxes ’* under whieh name Mr. Girvin, formerly of Wailokn, and later on from San Diego, was kuown, has not ( yet received the billet whieh was oflered and promised to him by Mr. Damon at ihe reqaest of < bis friend—not relation—Mr. W. i O. Smith. What is the matter? I Are onr great and good rnters afraid ol Mr. Malligan and his gaard?

The Adverti*rr andertaken a roost laboriocs and im;x -s«5ble task in defendiug Mr. W. N. Arrnstrong agvin>it tbe «ccnsations of onf .itl.fult.ess to bis daty and tr-ason to his King. How mueli the A>hrerfi*ercb oses to sqnirm and how many sabter fcges whīeh the Ref»»rm sheet sees fit to use the f ict remiins that Ka!«k<aa’s * bvrber was a byp<>crite and * f.<)se friend acd »a uatrastworthv servant. <0 Tnt Adverti.*r fiilscolurans today in descr bing tbe alleged ontrage coramitted on the sac; ed 1 per* n of Henuerv yesterday by H< u Panl Ncr n mn. The castig»ti» n of tlt \oung wouM-be pbilosopher is descrtb--<l as a cow;<rdly «tt. ck. We object as a m <tter of pnneiple (and exp.ediency) to any ) redeccnt wl.ieh conld justifv streetbr«wls and attacks on edit>rs. j but we do consider t!:e ca-»e of Mr. C.»stle, iu persistently and w.thout eanpe persecuting Mr Neomann who not Iately has 1 «pjieared as a public mau. | cowardly ana ūnea J 1 e d for. An edit<>r shoald not shield h:mself under tha privilege of journaligm and ‘*doing good f»>r his country” wlien he simply | iudulges in personalities ag«inst private eil zens —snch act is more cowardly tban the attack whieh occasional!y follow. i j Mr. Hen*rt Castle of the AdV€iiūvr wlio is suffering from a sore pate has evidently lost his raemory in tlie coutact of his 1 erapty brain box witli Paiil Neu1 ! mann’a ebony eane. M e bare 1 interviewcd a nnmber of persons 1 who witnessed Henry’a spanking and every oue of tliem states em1 phatically that Henrv lies when Le says that Hon.W.H. Cornwell 1 in any may irnpeded the chances 1 of Mr. Castle to defend bim$elf. Mr. Castle is trying, in fact, to make capital out of the little episode, «nd he is remarkable : incos : stent wben he tries to iusinnate thut his “iuterview ’ with Mr. Nenmann was the result of a ' deep-laid royalist plot. The day previous he st.ited that Paul was ' : an annexationist! M'e pnblish to-day an editorial > from the Japan Mail whieh we ; consider very appr<>priate at a time when our loeal press is i trying to heap abusos on the government of the people who ' now compose the best. tlie most faithfnl, the most industrious and the raost houest of the residents of Hawaii. Japan is pre1 seuted to ns ull along as a conntry whieli re«ches the sub1 lin.e standing ot civiliz<tion aud we believe that tlie seutiments used by a governineut org»n are a good indicat;on th«t the civi- ’ liziition is there altbongli it very mueh d ff«rs from tbe ideas of the Hawuiian P. G. I 1