Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 2 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The record of Honolulu, ; for J»uU)iry, is 48. - Hon. W*. H. Cornwoll returned , to Mani this moruing. Olie fa pamee aro up.ain uttract ing the attentiou of the poliee. Messrs Egin and Ounn have dissolved partnership. Mr. Ounn gt'OS off. Tho Australia sails for tbo Co«ist tomorrow at noon, sharp. Get your mail jH>sted early. Tho sale of household furniture bv Mr. L. J. Levey. at his salesMom, this mominp' vas woll attonded. The Par*dise of tho Pacific for Januarv will be out on Tuesday noxt. in time for m;»iliug by the through steamer. The Soheutzon olub will nieet tuis evening at their rooms. It is n * disgrace t»> be a raembor of the orgauizatiou. “TruthfoI James'* was «wfully hapj>y, dontcherknow. l«st evening, over S. M. D.»inon’s “honorable” settlement Another little stn»nger has made its apj>e*rance in Mr. E. Austin s family; tūis time a boy. Mother and child are doing well. The schoonere Aliee C»x)ke aml Bobert Lewers left port here yesterday afternooo. sugar taden, for Sau Fr*ucisco, A race to the Coast ie one of the interesting ie »turee of dejiarture. The Aliee Cooke i« th« favurite.

The BrreUnia strwt Ar®orv i* heinp reoovatrd f>r a «kating ring. i The P. G. b<»nJ propoae to give a concert this eveningat tbe Hawaiian Hotel. ' Tdblea x at Pnnahou this evening The Holomua invitation bad not arrived a« the paper g> eg to ’ preea. T..e lab->r9 of the P- rt Physician are being Iigiitened by delegiting , them to any of the B -urd of I Heallh. , i One of the Holomla composi itors was a vinner in the I transposition “.Fhonograph ” ’ cootest. Ti»e steanier Chin« is due here ■ on Wednesd«y next, from 8an , Francisco. Dates to the lst inst. ! will be bronght and definite news of Hawaiian matter is expected. i i Strotog trades were blowiuglast night; as they very probably ! reached to Kanai there is bnj little hope for the saviug of the 1 steamer Bishop. i i ( Tho Misses Allm intend togive , a concert at Hilo ou their homeward return to Honolulu from the Volcano’ Mannger Pluukett , should be well liked bv Hilo ; people. ■■ ■■ The Catholic Beuevolent Society will bold its aunual iueeling for the election of ofiicers at the Convent Friday, Febuarv, at 3 1 o’eloek. A full attendance is re* quested. — One of the funnv itoms in a loeal paper lately was that a fire was staited “in order to test” the new sraokestack of the tug Elen. “It seemed to work veiy i sntisfactory." The fire? |‘. . . I Koeoeie who is instructing Coni!nissioner Marsdeu in bugs and bliglits. and things, l left bv the steumer W. G. Hall tliis inorning on a tour of inspection of Kona coffee trees. — Bets are beiug made this moming that Mr. Sniith’s ( “Truthful James’’ feels this morning *s thongh “there are moments when he wished to be aloue” or in San Diego. The Inter Island S. S. Co. direct*irs are reported to have decided to order the buildiug of a new stearaer fur their line. Mr. W. G. Hall of San Francisc > will verv probably receive the order by tbe Australia. Th*> monthly s >oi il of the Sl Andrew’s Chnrch Assnciation w;,s well attended l«st evenine, and a pleasurabie programme of events w«s present«l to those present. An instrumental eoio w:»s given by Mrs. P. H. l).>dge and vocal 8<>Ios bv Miss McGrew and Miss Von Ho!t. A niueh appr*ciate<l addition t<» the events wss the hel’ringing b» lads trained by Mr. \V . A. Sn»ith. A foot-ball g*me will be pl»yed l»etween the Unkuown and the Punahoa Jr., at the Biseb »11 gronnds toraom»w afternoou. G ites will oj»en at 2:30; game 1 conimences at 3:30 sharj». A good gaiuo is exjKH'teil as llie Iwo teams have been practicing hard for ; the last two weeks. The P. G. t I band will probablv be in attendf anee. The teams are as follows.

i W W 9 • • T ' Pnnmkou Wfight IHWIĪION Unknown Wtighl E‘'apki I5K> Riaht«h»lf iMwk A KiuUn» 136 I* !*«rli«ir I3A Ufi bjilf •* (i (n»rk 12» A OouiwU 1« Foll •* 0 AlwoW 1A3 1 l>amon 132 Oo«rUr ** J IU-j.lng..r 27 D Kwaliko M7 <%n««r nmh (» Klnkim l»3 « Kwart 1AA ltli{ht gunril C! Hupklna IA2 8F»rker 185 l «ft " M llpi.kln» 161 K Lo»ft 136 Ui«hl Unkle A llorria{Copt) 136 l> Rn|>ihn» U« I*ft •• JX>M» |«0 C Tr*cy (C*pt) M1 Left Ru<l T Wb|t« i» W L«wri« 130 KiKht •• W LyU I.W Hoi»4. BCk«. W Eawllna U2 0 Braw«tor 120 T (.maweli 141 J U.g««i »38 1,636 i.» 1 "