Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — A Living Baromster. [ARTICLE]

A Living Baromster.

Here is a descriptiou given in an exchange of a nmque baroraeter, whieli is said to be reliable: A half-pint gl isS balf fiiied with water, a leeeh aud a pieee of • 1 i miisiin are all tli.it ;s required. i The leeeh ,is pnt into the water, and tbe raus!in is tied over tbe top of the glass. so that tlie litt!ej | ere iture eauuo* escape. When ! tbe weatber is t»> bc fine tbe leeeh wil! reraaiu coiled op and motiouless at tbe bottom of tlie nnder tbe water. Wlien it leaves tbe water aml crawls to tbe top of the glass. rain raay be expect ! ed, and wet weatber will continue i as loug as tbe leeeli reraains tbere. If tbere is to be a heavy wind tbe little cre.»ture will contort | itself violently, and squirm abont iin tbe l»veliest fash;on: aml a ; thunder storra may be looked for i when he seems to be in convul sions.