Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 6 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Advertisements* J. KEMPNEH, PashionabIe Tailor — SOTS ard CL0THING tw made to okder -^vi (ro*W FnnVfv of Fine Cloth • i» Stocb. Cleaning and RefHiirin>j Xeatfy Done. Terms RasonabIe. Gire me i Iiiil. 107 KING STREET, Oppcs te * A i' ,^ n j Honoinlu * ( Hote!, « fel L. H. DEE> JOBBER OF Wines, 7 Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. l>etwoen Fort aml 13etbel fi*reet~. Holiday Presenfs The nndersignetl heg Ieave to eall the attenti<>n t<> n l:«rge as- ; sortment of t.-«stofu1 aud etegant Jeweln', suituble for Chnstmus Presents. Hawaiian' Flasr IMn s in d tferent sizes. Hawaiian «Jewelrv u specialty. I f you want to buy an elegant and at the sume tirae an inexpensive Christraas Present. eall around and inspect rav stock. TH0S. LIND SAY, Mcln*>my Bl<>ck. Fort S(.Uon»laln lieel tl Sans Snuci Hūl'EL, WAIKIKI, UONOL0LU. First-Class Aeeommooations for r \: Tourists and lsland Guests . SUPERlOR BATHING FACILIT/ĒS. Ph'vate Cottages for FamilleS. T. A. S1MPS0N. oct9 Muucer.