Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — IN THE RING. [ARTICLE]


I | I { Devotees of Corbett and Mitchell Compete. Tbe exbibition given by the I , Ohampion Minstrel company last ! evening, at the old Armory, | Qneen street, was a veiy snccess- } ful one both in point of interest- ' j ing eveuts an<i sociability aud Mr. Porter, who had tbe manape- j raent of the aff.iir, is well entitled j > to shake bands with bimself and bis assistants. The evening’s perforraances j commeuced with a choras by the Champion tronpe. This event was foliowed by a good “tbree ronnd go” between Messrs. | ElIwoo<l and Thompson, followed i by Mr. Kossell in a sailor’s ! hompipe and Filmer and Yerrion 1in an interesting single-stick ■ contest. A song and dance by j Duncalf and two, three rounds | j sparring contests between Jobn- ; I ston aud Conlsock and Porter and Gnmey closed the part 1. Part 2 was opened np by W. Rossell in a song and dance i after whieh Langlyof the“Charapion” and Sharkey of the 4 Philadelphia” mixed matters in a very clever exhibition of i sparring in a three round contest, David Koii thb youug and clever Hawaiian club-swingdr, give the | audience a sample of his ; club movements after whieh . Dune a 1 f and Wi 11 e11 exercis<-d in a neat sparring contest. Ballard and Verrion tapped eaeh ot ier scientificallv during three n>uuds and the perforraance8 ended with a rattling bout of three rnunds helween Porter and the well knowu light-sveight Jitn Birrington. The house was fil!ed with interested spectat<»rs and the show was well managed. l