Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

10THER kNOWS. Nobody know» of ih<* »»>rk it m*krs To k«?p tlw homo together; Nobodr know* of the *tep« it Uke>; Xobody kno»A—bat mother. Xobodr listens to ehihiiāh ww» Whioh kisses only s»other; N<>hody’* p«ise<i by D.*3t;htT hlow» N>>body—only mother. Nobody knotr» of th* slerples» c*r» Bestoveil apon h«by bpothen NoU>dy koow* of tb« U*ikler ;>i>jr'r Nobody—only mother. Nobo<iy knows of the le*»m* tanght Of loTiag one an >ther; Nobo>ly known» of the patien« »>nght Nobo<ly—only mother. Nobody knows of the aniion* fears Leet <larliup- may not weather The alonu of lile in after yoare, Nobody knows—but m»th<>r. Nobody kueela at the thn>ne aboTe To tbank the HeaeenW Father For that >weetest gift--a mother» loTe; Nobody ean—bnt motfaer. H. C. Dois.it. PHORCED PHORAGING Succcssful Raids by General Scissors. It ie 9aid thatold rnbb**r rings of fruit ctns, i>ut inb weak amuionia «ater, will sg iin bec>>me elastic. The late Mr. Spurgeon used to s»y that he smoked a good cigar every night to the glory of God. A report comes frotn Cleveland th.it the eollin trust has been recognized, and that prices will be advanced twenty per cent wilhin thirty day8. B»ston girl (on the lrain) —Oh> dear, I w ish 1 had s«>mewhere to rr» i? hp;ul Chicago gīrl—Gosh! I wish I bad somewhere to rest my feet. It seem°d as if New York wuhoii fire in 1852. The Therraometer ranged from 92 to 97 degrces f>r five or six days. During the week 214 persons w» re killed in thatcity by sunstroke. "When y»u get into a tight plaee and everylbing g»es against y»u. and it 8>ems is if you c»u!d not ho!d out a minnle loi ger, never give up then, f»r that's just the |.l >ce and time that the l:de will turn.'’ The London P> ?t O{fioe is a big thing. Dnring Christmas we> k it required 1500 men and women to d>> the basine8?. But then 5,000,000 peuple bave a tremendi»U8 amonnl of c»rrfSpondence. It> one h >ns» in .J:icR3>*n, Mieh . three children died »f dij hth> ria. it w. g f>*ui>d thal the br»thers «ml sisters of the first victim were t»Ken in t» k:aa their dead br>>ther, »nd the act >*f ineanI*v 0 ,al t*T<> of then» their Iive*i LEWiS & C0.. Wha!esaie and Retaii Grocers ANP PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 5ALM0N ONICE By Erery b«i> Franciac»> Sta«mer. S\f.T SALMoN IN BARr.F.LS A Sl’E<;iALTt. /// Forl Si.. Honoiulu . Tel. 270, P. O. Box 297. CHAS. CIR0LER, Importer and Commi.ssion Merchant. SPECIALTIES: J. k P. Conts’ Maehine Tkre*d ionaa Brock»’ Maehine Thr>rul Bwrboar> Linen Thread Pear*’8oap P. O. Box KS. Unlnal Telephone 35« 1« Waihooiwe 8tml.