Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 9 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Advertisements H. MAY, & Co,, Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AXD Provision Merchants 98 FortStreet. - Honololu Families, Plantations and SLips snpplievl \rith choicest European it* Anierican Groeena C.ilifornia Pr\xluoe by Eveiy Ste"imer. NH|i-VU-g[10^A JUST RECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kiud of Cotton Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts in different qnah«es. A$ortmBnt of poi^eelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Cunos soitable for Cluistmas Goods. 411 KING STREET, Hunoluln. . Telephonc8, Bell 4< 1. P.O. Bos 3S6. \Intnol 544. n<>]3 Ini iUST ARRIVED. * q q BABY ■ CARRIAGES OF ALL 8TYLE8, IN THE LATFSI PATTEBNS. “HOUSEHOLD” Sewing Machines Hand Sewing MaCHIXX8, j,yAU With tbe Latest ImproT«meBta^£] PAKLOU Organs, Gruitars» And Other Masieal Io»traBteau. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWATS ON HA5D, and FOB &ALE BY ed. HommiMa & oo.