Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 February 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE ap — OFFICIAL L1ST 0F MEM BERS AND LOCATION 0F BDREAUS. ExECrTIVE Copxcil. B. Prwld* , nt of t*>e (tovem ment nf the Htv>U«n an«l Mini;ter of Forvlen A(T*irt. J. A. Klne. Minister the Iuterinr. ■ 5 . M. n.imnn, Ministerof Pinanee. 'V. O. Smlth, Attorney-GeueraI. Advisort Cocncil. W. C. Wilder. Viee-Presl<lent of the Pmvlston«l Govemment of the UawaiiKn tsland». r. Bo’te. i’eeil Bm*vn, John Nott. John Ena. Jnn-es F. Mor«an F«l. S hr. Jos. P. Vend<'nen. Chas. T. Rotli;ers. Councl!s. John Emmehuh. E. P. Tennev. W. F. Allen. Henry Wsterhouse, A. Youne. F. M. IIatch, soeretary Ex. and Adv. Stpkeme Cockt. Ilon. A. F. Jndd, Chwf Instice. Hon. R. F. Biekerton First <*s,«oejate Jnstiee. Hon. \V. F. Fre«r. Soeond Ass<>oiate Jum1cv. Henrv Smith. Chief ('lerk. Gco. Liio» s, Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peterson.Sve‘>nd Depntr Clerk. J. Wa!ter Jones. Stenographer. ClHCl IT JuDGES. Kirst Circnit: f. °' h " Seeond drcnit; (Mani) A. N. Kepoikai. Third«nd Fourth Cirenits: (Hnwaii) S. UAustin Fifth Circuit; (Kauai) J. Hardy. OfHees and rourt room in Conrf Hon«e, Kimr street. Sittinc in Konoluln—Tho tirst Monday in Fvbruary, Mav, August and Ntvember. 1)ei'artmf;;.t of Foreigs Affaib.«. omeeln CapitoI Kulldiig, Klng street. Hi« Eseell*>ney Saufor.1 B. Dole, Mlnlster of Korci!tn Affnirs. Geo. C. Potter. Se»>reOry. W. Hori.ce Wnght, Lioue! Hart. Clorks. D£PABTMENTOF IsteriobOihee in Eiecutive Buiiding, Klng street. His Exeellcney .1. A. King. M'nister o( Interior. Chief Clerk, Joh i A. Hnss ncer. Asslsta.n CIerks: H. Jtovd, M. K. Keoho kaloie. stephen Mahaulu, George C. Koss, E<ivvarU S. B«yd. Bcreac of Agricvltcee asd Fore,«trt. Prcs’(lent: His Exeellenev the Minlster of lnterfor. Wm. G lrwin. Allnn Herbert. John Knn, Jo«eph Msrsden, Comml»sioner and Socretary. Chiefs of Bcreac», Intzrior Department. Surveyor-GeneraI. W. D. AVx«nder. Supt. Publ e Works. W. E. Ro veli. Supt. Water \V'irks, Audrew Bnnvn. Inspeetor. F'eotrir Light«. John C.-"idv. Uegislr«r •■( C nvevaiiees, T. G. Thrura' Ro«d Supervi«or, H nolulu, W. II Cummine«. Chief Enirineer Fire Dept.. Ja». H. Hnnt. Supt. lusane Asyium, Dr. A. McWayne. DEPAtmiEST ofFisance. (>fBce, Executlve Building, King street. vinl«ter of Einanee, His Excelleney S. M. D«mon. Audit*ir-(rt*ner«I, George J. Ro«s. Resi»tr*rof Acccnnts, W. o. Ashlev. Clerk of Piiianee omee. E. A. Mclnernv. Col:ector-General of Custom. J>». B. C«stle. Tax Aasesaor, Oahn, J >u«. Si w. Deputy T«x Asses- r, W. C. Weedon. Postiuaster-Geiier.il, J. Mort 0«l. Ccsiom» Kcbeac. Offioe. Cn«tom Hon«e. Esplanade. Fort «treet. Coueetor-(Jeneral, J>». B Castle. Deptily-Co: ecMr F. B. MeSt.-cker. H. rborm«»ter. C«; t iiu A. Faller. Port S;irveyor. M. s Sin>ler». Storekevpc’r, Gcort!e C. Str»temeyer. DEPABTTfEST OF ATTORSEY-G*SEBAL.! OiBce in Executive Buildi'iir. King »treet. AtMmev-Ge-ier»l. W. O. Smiln. Deputv Attor:iey.• iei*era1, G. K. WUder. cirrk, J. M. Ke«. Mae'Uai, F. G. HUeheoek. Cb rk M M r»hai. H. M. Dow. Deputy Marshai, Arthu r U. Br,wn. Jaiior (>«hu Prūon. J. A. |ev. Pnaon Pbysiclan t Dr. C. B. Cov>per. Boam> or ImmigraTios. Pt -»ident, Kl» Eieeilenw J. A. Kinjr. Member oi the Bo«rl ol t m'nueniīon «on. J. B. Atherton, J««. B- Casl!e, H a. A. S. eii-Kū rn, Jamea G. Spe*c«r. M»rk P. HMilna n. I S«cM«ry, Wray T«ylor. Boau> or H RALTM. <\Sce In tmti>:d‘ ol Coort Honae Buil<lia*. corut r '*f HiUiAoi •»! Qu«en »:r«ret». Member»; Dr. D»v, Dr. Mlner. Dr. Ao<!rew». J. T. Waterhonse Jr . JohB En«. Tbew. F. L*aAlng and Attoruey •lenerai Smllh. Prr»ident—Mon. W. O Smtth. Secret»ry—Cho*. W !eux. Kxecotite Officer—C. B KeyaoM«. Iuspeclor a >d Maaacer ol Gartoce Scrvlce—L. L La Pkne. ir.ff*cU:-T— (*. W. C. Jon«a. Pon Phy*iel»>. Dr.O- B. Andretr», hiip-nwni, Dr. H. W. HowanL Leper Setūemedt, Dr. K- K. OilTer. Boab» or FdccaTMS. Cooit H<gar BaKdlac, KJixg »tr«eC. PpmUkil Hoa. C. R- Ri*hop_ sWRtatv, W. )«Et» SraitS. Iu»pccL r ol School», A. T. Alkioaon. Dt.<TRirrC«HtT. Poliee 5t«Ch» ButbUny, Mcrehant (lreot A. G. M. K obenmo, MaeiHnilo. J«mb» A. Thtxui>«ut>. C.<tf»