Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 12 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

♦ pehool —Will OPEN— Monday, cbruary 12 APrLICATIOXS For admissi >n should he made immediatety, statmg age and sttnding of applieant to Pi*incipal. ja29 Iw ; WO CHAN & Co. " Merchant Tailor . ;King street, Thomas’ Block, ► next door to Holomaa office. 1 ! -! All Suits Guaranteed j to Fit, and ! IN TflE LATEST STYLE. Clothes Cleaued and Kepaired. * no27 i ! WB. DAY1ES, , K1GGER : and : STEVEDORE t ESTIMATES AND CONTBACTS 0N ALL KIND8 OF WOBK. } The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, f| will rnn regnlarly between this port and Waialua, Kawaihapai, Mokuleia, Keawenui »nd Kniki on the island of < ‘•ahu I For Freight, etc , apply to the Captain. Office: With Wright Bros., : Fort Street. dec 16-tf LEWIS & C0„ Wholesale and Retail Grocers AND » PKOVISION DEALERS. t ' FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICĒ By Erery Ban Francisco Steamer. i I ) Salt Salmon in Babbels ! A Specialtt. | iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P. O. Box 297. CHA8. GIRDLER, L 1 Importer and Commissiou Merchant. SPECIALTIES: 3. & P. Coats’ Maehine Thread Jonas Brocks’ Maehine Thread Barbonr’s Linen Thread ’ Pears’ 8oap l P. O. Box 358. Mutnal Telephone 356 13 Kaahnmann Street. W. S. LUCE r Wine and Spirit Merchant 1 CwnpbeU Fire-irroof Block, J MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU ! » ■ ——— ... — .. — —— Long 5 Branch . BATH ING Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathing Rosort bas been enlarged and i» now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on tbe islands to enjoy a bath aud there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodaiions for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every balf honr and on Saturdays and Snndays every fifteen minutes. r e . J. SHERWOOD Proprietor.