Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 14 February 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN. [ARTICLE]


Two Da>-a Later. By the arrival of the Irmgird in p rt this afternooo dates of Janairy 31«t and Febnary lst have been received. the latest I news :■» as fo!lows AJviees of Jan. 3l fn>ra »tate that the U. S. De:roit had fired into AJmir.il Mello’s ship Da Gamma. Mello otfered to surrender but Admiral Binbam would not accept him. On the next diy Mello fired in{<* a (terrnan launeh. He w:s t->ld that he wouid bl<>wn out of water if done agim A'ote on the taritf hill is set for February lst. Bad Weather. r But little daniage was done m ! and about Honolnlu by tbe lute • heaw raius the main reason for , less destruction occurring, than formerly, is tbe improved grading of the streets and tbe making of gutters whieh cavry the surplus water to seaward. Aloug the edges of the !Nunanu stream the quickly risiug waters, of the usually sballow and lazily flow- j ing river, encompassed, without warning many domestic animals : and fowl, whose habitat was land, ■ aud bore them downward witb other flotsam, to the waters oi i the harbor, where they weve quickly captured by tho raany wreckers ou such business beut, t Last night the wind added foire to the pelting raiu and the not very vivid lightning with mufiied growl of distant tbunder gave r> added interest and clfect to tbe war of tbe elemeuts. This mornin<j tbe \vind shifted from the soutb to the novth west andh eavy lain showers fell while an overcast sky otfered strong indications ' of continued bad weather. At ) uoon the wiud had gone bac*k into the south again with weather iudications of a coming Koua. ( The Hulleiin states that the Custora House is the rendezvous j I of the executive coinmittee of the Annexation Clnb. | Mr. E. B. Hendry. the mana ger of the Hawaihm Hardware Co. has gone to Hilo and other points on Hawaii on a business trip. Company B took advantage of the absence of Cai>taiu Hugh Gunn to displace that popular officer and elect Judge Bobertson. i captain of the company. It will be rather a surprise to Gunn when he returns from Maui to fiud that he has “gone otf’ the offi. eial Iist. l