Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — A GOOD THING. [ARTICLE]


Be Sure That You Are “In If’ Tbere is already cou>id«r ble interest att»ched to the eominp performance at tbe Opera Hooae on next Satnrday eveningand the iudications are tbut Mr. W. B. Ash will receive tbe rousing beuefit whieh be deserves. Herewith is tbe programme of events for the occ.ision and it pres;iges a pleasurable eutertainment; PUOOKAMME Part I. Stage M mager. A. E. Marphy 1— Overture —Eucbantinent, Herman Full Oicbestra. 2 — Woudeis —Will Put You All in Good Humor C. Nester Ed:son. 3— Soup—“0'.d Fashioned Lullaby. ’ Baby Little Della Ash. 4— Recitation—“A Pieal Scream” , Mr. A. E. Murphy. 5 CornetSolo —“Lna. ....Hirtman Mr. Charles Kreuter. 6— Solo—“Operatic select ion,” Mr. W. H. Hoogs. 7— Ventriloquisra “of the Highest,” Introducing three wonderful meny fig '.res... Dr. K. 1. Mocre. Pabt 2. 8— Song —“Wrecked & Saved,’ . Kuowles j Mr. Cuelho. 9 —Instrument il Duet —“Kobert the Devil,” Clarimet. Messrs Keogh Naone ... Meyerbeer 10— New,’ Banjo... Loeal Anthor Mr. Geo. Kit aan. 11— Song--“Will entertain you a few momeuts Mr. Chester A. Doyle. 12— Pieolo Solo —“Silver Kmg,” Bonneseau Barsotti. 13— Musical attraction —“Quite the Kage,” Messrs Ordway «fc Hennessey. 14— Gnnd F nale—“Simple Simon,” Mr. W. B. Ash. 15— Orchestra....