Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Advertiseinonts H. MAY, & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters A>’D Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Streot. - Honolulu F;imilies, Pl«ntations and Ships sapplied with choioest Euwpean & .1 mt rican Gnxrrit's Califoroia Pnnluoe by Even-NJ\pl-YU-^O^A .ri;ST RECEIVED from JAPAN Sever:il Kin 1 of Cotton Crape, Latcst Styie of Shlrts in different qnahnes. \{mt of poMelain Toa Sets a Specialty Japauese Lauterns aml many Cunos suitable for Christmas Goods. 411 K!NG STEEET, Honulula. Telephones, Bell 474. l’.O. Bo\ .1S6. Matuai514. nol.l Im iUST ARRIVED, i* ** vn y ■ m BABY • CARRIAGES CF ALL STYL~-S. CM^[>ĒTS. IS T.IE LATEST PATTEKN'S. jQ“HOUSEHOLD Sewinsr Machint;s Hand Sewikg Machi>’es, ■ tyAll With the Latest Inr prorenj«nU‘^3 PARLOR Or"ans, Guitarp; And Other M isie»l I utnmen's. 1 Wines, liquors, Beer ALWAYS OH HAND, AXD POE SALE BT ed. aorrscauEGEB t eo. Kmg St.. oppo. l'uU« Jt 0> hc’*