Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

' I Gmnti Enleiiiiowl! i AT THE Hawaiian Opera Houae. SATURDAY EUEN’G, | Fefcruarv 17th. ! - BEM:FIT ofMr. W. B. ASH ;- A First-CTass Performr.nce anJ - J an Interesting Programme. A HOST OF VOLUNTEERS. j >taye Manager, A. E. Mckpht — PKOGRAMME—Pakt I. \ 1 — Overtare —“Enchantment,” .. | Herman Fa!l Orchestra. 2— Wonders—Will Put Y u All in Goocl Humor ' C. Nester Edison. 3— Character Song—“OIdFashioned Lullafcy-Baby,” _ Little Della Asb. I— Eecitation-“A Real Scream,” . Mr. A. E. Murphy. i5 —Cornet Solo-“Una,”.Hartman Mr. Charles Kreuter. j ti—Tenor SoIo—“Operatic Selec--tion” ....' Mr. W. H. Hoogs. 7—Ventriloc|uism “of the highest,” iutroducing thrcemerry figures Dr. 11. I. Moore. > ; Pakt II. 8— Soug—“Wrecked & Saved,” Knowles ■ Mr. Cuelho. 9 — lnstrumental Dnett— ‘ Rob- i ( ert the Devil.”. ...Meyerfcecr Clarionet: Messrs. Keogb & Naone. 10 —Banjo—“ Something New,’’ Loeal Anthor Mr. Geo. Eitmau. II — Song—“Will Entertain You a Few Moments,” Mr. Chester A. Doyle. 12— Pieeolo Solo—“Silver King” Bonneslan Mr. L. Bassotti. 13— Music.il Attractions—“Quite the Rage,” i Messrs. Ordway & Heunes9ey. 14— Finale-‘Simple Siraon’ Mr. W. B. Ash. ! 15 Orchestra 1NTER-ISLANDPILŪTACE. 1 Capt. WILLIAM DAVIES, < • — FOR THE Past TWELVE VEARS in eomuiaii'i of 1 Inter-Island Steamers, offers Uis services as Ī>IL OT TO AKY port or lan«ling in the Hawaiian Islands. 13T Best of referenees, inquire at office of J. S. Walkek over Si'reckel'8 bnnk, or \Vright Bkos., Fort Street. feb I4 tf. C. T. AKANA īailoi 1 ! 324 Nunanu Street A.11 Suits Guaranteecl To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaiied. no!7 | For Sale I Apiece of valuable Lmel sitnated on Nniiann i \venne, tno miles from town. b—- ! low Mr. Cort Hofcron’s plaee, j coutainmg 12 acres, pnrtly 6000 TAR0 LANO about 150 feet ; on Nnuanu Avenne A small house on it, all fenced. | A good investment. No reason- , afcle fig ;re refa.sed. For further I pcrticulars, please apply to tbis office. jan lS-2wd j ' I A. ROSA, ATTORXEV AT LAW, No. 10 Kaahumann St., Honolnln, Hawaiiau Is!ands.