Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 19 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


An excorsion is on the tapis for this evening. Th*-re wa» n<v sj»read e*gle bead mt ced tbis m<.>rning in the 'Tl»er. Next Thorf»»iay is W'asbington’s birtbday. Tbe P. O. band is expected to play at Erama Square this evenning. Mr. W. H. Peaeoek has retarned froui a visit to tbe Midwinter Fair. Tbe Annex«tion C!ub is tiying hard to hedge bv formalating another < rg inization. Tbe Hoola Lahui societv met at tbe Kapiolani Maternity Home this nfternoon. Tbere \vas over half a bnndred | arrests mnde bv tbe poliee during Saturday and Sanday. Not including canines. Dr. T.<lmige an eccentrie and noted “gospel sbarp” is expected to pay a visit to Honolulu in tbe near future. ”” Tbe rain fell heavily and eon- \ tinuously on Satnrday evening j making sbopping or walking verv r unpleasant. | j It is reported that a great many of t!ie Nuuanu valley resi- j ! dents experienced a “tired feeling” wheu tbe news brougbt by 1 the Monowai was dispensed. < . i« The Portaguese in«ss-meeting ; f advertised for Sunday afteruoon j Ust in tlie drill shed was very < qni»»tly conducted and verv poor- | ly attendod less tb <n 400 people ] beiug preseut. j j Mr. T. H. Davies publisbes a ] sbort but scathiiiK article in this « ” i moruing s ’l’iser on an anonymous j correspondent who bad criticized i bis paropblet of letters. ! i i I Tbe Sunday sbooting at tbe ( Makiki butts was gone ou witb as usual vesterdav but no scores ! 1 bave been reported. ! ' | < Tbo op> ning night of tbe skat i ing rink ou Beretania stroet was 1 very well attended on Saturday j' last, notw itbstandiug tbe weatber. j 1 — J. Ix>n<> tha h«lf-svhite who shot | anotber ha!f-white in the heao. w':th a r» volver, ple;ided gui!ty t<< 1 t e charge of assault with adeadly weap n and rtceived ns punishment f>nr months in;pri9onment witb hard Ubor. Tbe Populan Phonograph Parlors situate 1 at tbe old stand in Arlington Block is up \rith tbe j times and preseuts today to tbe general public n largo number of new records just landed from tb»steamer Monowai. Josepb Carl Hart Potter who ; is statel by a Chic igo dispatch t<> . be au Hawaiian Consnl General 1 under arrest iu that city for obtainiag goo ls uu.ler f dso j pretenses is believed to the travelled fv>reiguer who obtained goods fr >m loea firms here anil deeamped about December Ust. The name used here was Von Bergh and he claimed U) be au 1 Austiian eount.