Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 19 February 1894 Edition 02 — MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF FORECLOSrRE. [ARTICLE]


IS AOOORDAXCE WTTH THF PROVĪSums of i» certain morUta£e mndc by j KAOHAN’E NAKL INA to \VM. C. ACHĪ. 1 tbc ōtu day j( Novciuber 1SSI, re- . «cr-Wd iu laber 131, pagc 373, and <inlv I ] to lain nouoe is hcrebv j jjiveu th&t the uiort rijjcc intends to foreeioee tbe -auie for conditk>ns brokcn. to wlt: non-i«ayment of iuUrvst an<l pnneipal. Noticv u> likewkae £iven that a(ter tbe eipinUon of tluve weeka from the date of tbis i uotice, th»* properfy eouvcyed by s&jd mortvnil he aavertised f..r «*lē at pahlie «uohou at the MCtion tuon:s of I*mos F. Mor>rva. in Honolnin, OX WEDNESDAY, tbc Utb day of March, 13M. «t 12 noon, of saidd«y. Dau»d Uonolula, Febm»ry 13, 1SM. LAU CHONG, Assignee of Moftgagee. ; The prcmise* o.>vered by eaid mortgage oonsist of—I aeres situate in Hamoa. H«m, Maui. aud oanvcyed t> aaid mortgagor bv i Kaiame, by deed dated the 25hb day of Augoat, lvt3. »nd rtcurd«d in Lifaer Ā3. p&eea 102 aad »03.* (ebl7-3w