Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 19 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, I3i<r*j:er, Stevedoi'e v\n Wrecker. ESTIMATES A.ND COJSTB-\CTS OX ALL KIXDS OF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn ivgTilarijr betwwn thi* port ind W aUlu*. KawaihapAi, MokuUU, Ke«venai »n<l Kmki cn the :>lar..i of 0«ha. For Fr«ght, etc , applv to the C«pUin. Best of Iieferenoes—Inquire at Offic‘* of J. S. Walker. ov»*r Spreckols‘ Bank, or Wright Bros. Fort Street. dec 16-tf LEWIS i C0. Wholesaie and Retail Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON IGE By Every Sau Pnmeiaeo S te.uner. Salt Salmox IX Bakkels a Specialty. iii Fort St. , Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. 0. Box 297. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commission Merehant. SPECIALTIES: J. i P. Coats’ Maehine Threa<l Jouas Brooks' Maehine Thxead Bartx>ar’8 Linen Thread Pears’ Soap P. 0. Box 3S8. Mntaal Telephone 356 13 Kaahaoianu Street. jllatiūnal Imn Woi^ QU£EX Street, Between Alakea & Hiehanl Sts. THE ū\f>ERSIGXED are {«[in-i to make ril kinda o( Iron Bn.«s, Pronre, Zinc,’ Tm ai: 1L* ad Ca&tiugr. Alao a General Repair 8fcnp for Steam Enginea, Kiee Milla, Corn Milla, W*trr Wheehi, \Vind MilL», etc, Maehine* lr>r the deaning of C offec, Caator Oils, Bean», Haiuie, Sual, Pineapple Leaves k other Filmrns P!anf.<«, An<i P«[ er Stock Al*o Maehinea for EztrvcUng Starch hx»m the Manioe. Am>v Eoot, eie, AU Urden promptiy attea le.I K JVHITE, RITMAN « CO. oemeni AXD ()ni|it8 dni*bing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of Cqtfete^pi&?te* C0XCEETE A SPEdALTY, JNO. F. BOWLER. janl7 3m