Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 19 February 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Pans. Feb. 9 — D . tai!s of the j disaster tbat befcll the Frecch | flying eolomn ntder CoIor.el \ Bonnier near Timbnctoo earlv in December were received bv the Foreign Uffice tonight The Toarges. » tribe of Ambs. armed witb lances and knives. made att it k npon tbe leading division of the French ccdcmn. TLe attack was so desp>erate and well sastained tbat the first division was apparently cat to pieces. The news of the disaster was i brongbt to the second portion of the eolamn by C ptain Nngette. whs, bad!y woanded, raanaged to escaj>e. The official statement admits tbat at least nine Freneh officers, including Colonel Bonnier, two Euiopean non-comrais 1 sioned offieers and sixty-eight 1 native soldiers were massacred. Paris, Feb. 9—Maiime da Camp, member of the Freucb Academy, is dead. Puris, Feb. 9 —lt is semi- j [ officiaily stated that tlie Govern- ! or of Soudan has taken extra | ordinarv measares to relieve the ! Frenoh forces at Timbuctoo and all French outposts have been ! doubled. Timbuctooo, where Captaiu Philippe’s command is ! intrenched, is a town nearly at the bonler of the Desert of Sabura, { i eight ruiles north of the Niger. Tbe peroianent popnlation of the jilace 12,000, principally ne- i goes, \vith some Moors. Boston, Feb. 9—The Camraon Oouneil has passed an order that 1 the Mayor be requested to direct the Trustees of the Public Lib ; nry to cause the iramediite elimination of a certain decoration in tlie fucade of the New Library building tbat is directly over the entr.ince. The principal features of it are a shield or globe in the . center of whieh are nude male figures aud the legend“Omniacivium.’’ New York, Feb. 9—The forces of the Salvation Army have just been strengthened by one of the raost nutoble converts it has ever bad. This time it is a member of the royal faraily, Prince Galitzin of m lias succumbed ( to the earuest requests of the lads and lassies to live a better l:fe. Pittsbargh, Feb. 9—Uuited States Engineer William F. Shuuk, who has conducted the great snrvey for an international railway through Meiieo and the South American States, hasbompleted his report and will plaee it in the hands of the Inter(Dntinentul Commission at Wa4img toa next week. Tho report will say that the scheme is en|;relv feasible and everything favofable or the line. Chic.igo, Feb. 9. Congretsman Tarsney. in speaking of tbd taritF mea.sure, said the bill as p:issod by the Honse would be snbdantially passed by the Senate, pnd tarirf may bo pnt on sugar. !bnt thero will bo no relurn to the bounty feature of the McKiiley bi!l. TLe iueome tax wili be adopted by the Senate. Washington, Feb. 9. phe Deraocratic Cungressioual (Jimpaigu Coiuraittee organized tilay by the electiou uf Seu..tor F;falk ner of West Virginia, Ch ir:vm; Liwronce Garner, Secretary J. L. Norris, Treasurer. Waahington,'Feb 9. The «old reserve of $100.000,000 is aiee more pr ctically iutact, reqnring only $6,25G to make it absuutely so. Frenso, Feb. 9. Sheriff Scott arrived this morning from fted ley, bringing with hiin E ius’ arm w hieh wasseeured in thei bin from whieh the officers drov« the baudits Tuesday eveniug. London, Feb. 10. A d?sj tch to the ‘-Standard'’ from St. Petersburg says Tho Go mment e»ommission appointe to investigate the alleged sca la!s ia the convict prison at Ono[ on the island of Saghalien, ha is saed h repori whieh unfods a terrible tale of īsutfering and crime. It shows that iti this prison have been many instliees of merciless beatings, cbo]ūng ofl fiogers and arms by aber Istrokes, while caunibalism,mder stress of f imine, has been xommon occurrence. Murder, fclow ed by cannibalism, bas ieen frequent. with the sole obje< of eqding a miserable existeec< i

Baecos Arres, Feb 10. News has been received fronj Eio de ; J;»neiro to the e»?vct that ihe | decŪ5on of President Pexioto to eall a geneial eleetion on M.»rch 1 lst was c*osed by the fact tiiat he became frigbtened at the dis- ; corery cf a plot to morder him. It seems that th3 plot was widespread and emi>rsce>i many ināaential people. inclading a camber f of ofi5cers. Ne* York, Fcb 9. Society. f Ligh and low, cf Paris is wondering wbat has bt'Corae of tbe Princess Co»ouna; so is ihe Pricne. Washington. Feb. 9. The prospects touight are that the SabCommittee of the Senate Finance ' Coramittee will be able to rej>ort the Taritl bill to the full eommittee ear!y ncxt week. The members of the coramittoe b--.ve practlc>illv completed the«r work. Nlanv finishing tjnches were put on certaiu portions of tbe measure at tod<v’s 8©8sioo. Tue Sub1 Cornmittee is at present unde- \ cided betweeu a proposition to put uniform duties on all sogars. raw and refiued. and another, s designed especially as a blow at trusts, to pot r,iw sugar at li cents aud refined at 1 ceot. 1 There is still some controversy over the proposition to increase ’ the tax ou beer, b'it indications | po ut to no increase. Voorhees states lbat the bill will be reportto tlie Senate uext Saturdav. I Sacremento, Feb 9. A snow i storm is raging ou the line of tho Central Pacifie iu the Sierra i Nevadas. The wind is b!owing . ; hard, tbe snow has been coming down iu great blinding sheets ever since 3 a. m. yesterday, and , covers the countr\' as low down Oii the hills at Colfax. Washingtou, Feb. 9. Eepre- > a?rative George W. Honek of Ohio i ! died suddenly this afternoon. Kio de Janeiro, Feb. 7.—Presii dent Peixoto tells the Wvrld | corresp>ndent that he will issue ■ ! to-morrow a decroe orderiug Prosidantial and Co>igressional elee | tions for February 26th and tl»at i t .e state of siege will eud on that i date. Pernambnco (Brazil), Feb. 7. Five G' ** torped6 boats have arrived bere to join the ! Nictheroy and tha American iu their att-«ck npou the rebel fieet. Two of them have Ohileau Cap tains. Victoria (B. C.). Feb. 7.—In a | severe storm of this raorning the | San Francisco bark Wrestler, ijust arrived from Honolulu to load lumber here, dragged her anchor iu the Royal Roads aud went broadside on White rock, near the eutrance to £squimalt harbor. New Y T ork, Feb. 7.—His Imperial Majosty, the Czar of all the Kussias, Alexander III, is a plaintitf in a libel case on trial tod y before Judge Addīsou Brown in the United States District Court, iu Admiralty. Washington, Feb. 7.—The En i glish-Hdborn contested election caso is defiuitely settle«I so f »r as the House Committce ou Privi I» s and Elections is eoncerned. At today’s sesdon of this eommittee llie majority voted in favor of seating English, and it is said that the Democr;its present voted FOIidiy for English an<l the lie pub!icans in favor of Hi!boru. LooUon, Feb. 7.—Silver tuok unother drop today, the price of bar silver reaching tbe lo«vest point iu many years. The r»arket was fi t at 29 13-16d j>er onnee. Guatemala, Feb. 7.—Stori s aro to!d of great crnelties on the part cf B >nilla’s troops towards the adhen. nts of Vasqnez. Even women aud chiidren are shot and tbe people are fleeting the eonn-: try. Tacoma (M*asb.), Feb. 7.—A movement was inangurated tonight in the interest of the management of the Iuter SUte Faii to solicit $50.000 for the CorbettJacksou fight. Wasbington. Feb. 7.—The House, after a fieree parlimentary battle, today passed the McCreary Hawaiian resclation by « vote of 177 for to 75 agaiust. Representatives Cannon and Magoire voted for McCrean’s scheme to a(tempt to demonstrate to tbe people of the country tbat (ihe President’s Hawaiian policy has Congresaional sanction, and tb»t rourse of ex-Minister

■ SteTen$ and tLeH;irrisnn Atlministr3itioc ts condemae«I. R>?prepresentative Bontelle's resolut:on was J to 161. Ohieaeo, Feb. 7.—As eaeh saceeeJ ng d»v rioats by a thin. b «ld gentieman who nnrses within his bosom the firm belief tbat he is Consnl.General of Hawaii, whatever that m-»y be. «ppears to become deeper enmeshed in the entan8lements of trooble. Tbe thin gentiem »n is C. Potter, who arriveil in Chioago a few weeks ago. artued with a large seal whieh annonnced thut Mr. Potter was Cunsnl General of Hawaii. Last SaturJ.»y he was arrested cbarged with obtaining goods onJer false pretenses. Tbe case against hira was continnetl toilay aud the diploroat was remauded to a cold eell. 11 is believed that “C. Potter’ is tbe ,- Vonberg” who *‘did up several people bere. E1. H.]