Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


*- 4 Tbe stolen Croirn jewels have heen nearly •!! retnrued. onder if they are genaine? The bk Alden i» at the Oeeanie dock loading sogar. OapUin Fries hoj>es to get away the first part of the coming week. Another Gerraan clnb. secret. isJu procej»s of formation. Gormans only, ar‘j to be admitted.

The sealing schooner Theresa 1 is in the stream, off Brewer's wharf. Shc will probably sail { on iPr se.iliog craise next week. < ( K*itn Won was ctpture<l by 1 Cjptain L<rsen this morning * Ke is an escaped prisoaer and a maeh wanted man. . The b<irk Albert, Captiin ' Griffith sailed yesterday afternoon f>r San Francisoo with lllH) tons • sug.r. Domestic value £67,641.63. | 1 | * The rejH)rt of the entertainment given at the Oi>era House : last Satnrday evening wa.somitted in last nights, but appears in this issue, of the HoLomi a. \ The b.irk Rither is at the old Custoin Honse whurf wuiting her turn to take in sugar. She will probably eommenee load:ng today. A new and somewhat lucr ativo. business has been ongaged in by the Government of late, viz; auctions snles of d >gs at an npset pr.ee of $1 60 per head. • • The proposed excnrsion to Ewa hist evening did not t <ke plaee There was no “ad” of the projectors in the Holomi’a. Don t forget tho concert in aid of the Sailor's Homo Societv at i the Opem House ‘on the eve of Washingtou’s Birthday. ’Tis for a good purpose. — The Britisli ship Villalta ia in the stream at present w.iiting sugar. Sho will uot eommenee i loading for a eouple weeks to eoiue. If one desires to be in toucb with the music of the onter world it is idvisable to visit the Popn lar Phonogrnph Rooma, Arlingtou Block, and listen to some of tho latest “ h its.” i The bktue Irmgard is at Brewer’s wharf. She lris fiaished dis 1 charging aud will probubly bo bauled out in the stream to await turu for Io;ding. The question has beou asked i whv the side-w.ilk by the Eagle House aud np to the Nuuanu • bridge h.is not been graded and i laidi Auother problem is survey- ( ing, and tliere will, probably. btan attempt to dodge the questiou. The Araeric«u ship C. F. Sar i gent is entirely discharged and is uow t;tking iu ballast. Har cargo here was 2000 tons of eoal for thc U. S. Goverument.

The Britisb b:irk Velocity is at the ohl Custom Hoase whurf, b>ot of Nur,ann street. Captain | M irtin is oulv w.iitinp for a few ; more passengers, before departure for Oiiina. C«ptain GriflSths of the bark Albert enjoys suoh popalarity i amongst lslaud people that his ship rarely leaves port Lere with out souie of the gentler sex as passeugers. Mrs. T. F. Lansing a well kuowu society lady, and her ohildreu, were anioi g other p.issengers by the vcssel for San Franeisco vesterday. 1. Father ThecKlore Lauter a wellbeloved Catholic priest of the Missi'□ at Wailuko, Maui, died at the Mission-house on Friday : (Feb. 9th.) The deceused priest has lived and {>erforuied tbe doties of his offioe, on Maui ior nearly a quarter of a centary. His death will remove the presence, from the Hana district of i one who was a father io soci«I as ' well as religious eouueil. Father t Lauter was only fifty years at the tiiue of bis dec£ase.