Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Coxgbessxas Hitt’s resolntlon against the restoration of the Constitntional Governraeut in Hawaii was lost by a majoritv of sixty-two votes. The P. G. p-itriots are very busy devising il.igs for the pro posed Hawaiian repnblic. It is !of conrse a very important ; matters. May we sngge&t a screatning rat on a black ground sitting on an Irish sbillalali, aud a motto in tbe Portaguese lang uage (Cbinese character) whieh might read; “Ain’t we ratber previons?" — Ix anotber eolumn will be found a memoi ial presentedby tbe llawaiian Patriotic League tbrough Mr. |Moreuo to tbe L T nited States’ Congress. It is | signed by Mr. J. A. Cummins as president aud Mr. J. K. Kaalia as secretary.