Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 21 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

_A.dvertisement« Washingtons Birthday! HAWA1IAN OPEHA IIOl'SE (ipiioil Benffit Eiitertainuient In aid of the HONOLULU SAILOR’S HOME SOCIETY, hy the I Philadelphia Minstrel Thursdav Eveniug. FEBRUARY 22, 1894. Box plan now on view and Tickets for SALE at L. J. Levev’s. te20 3t !_J T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMAKU ST., Honolulu, : : H. I. GENERAL am> €ommissiou ; r> Merchants AND — SUGAR FACTORS. AGESTS FOR Lloyds :— Hntish and Koreii{U Mimne Insnrauee Company, LiniiU'il. Northern Assnrance Co, tire & Iife. Pioneer Line of Packets from I.fverpool. *iawaiian Line of Packets. CanadlaB Pacific Railway Co. am> Canadian-ABSlraliaQ SteamslilB Co. Liverpocl Omei;The Albany, 01d HaUSt. febl6-3m

M0RTGAGER’8 NOTICE 0F FORECLOSURE. IN ACCOEDANCE WITH THK PKOVIS»ons of n certain n»ni. '«e m«de by KAUHANE NAKUINA to \VM.C. ACOt dated the ōtn «iar o£ NoTe«n»H-r 1891, recctded in L:ber 131. p«tte 3T.% and dnlr aS signed to Lau Chon-. noface is herebr giren that the tn»ng uve iutends to forecK>se the «ame for onditions br«ken. to wlt; non-pnrmeut »f intereet »nd princip*l. 1 Notice i» like»ise giren th..t »ft, r th-.‘ txpirat.ou of three * eets from the date »f this i uotice, tbe propertr conTcjred br said mortg»ge trdl be «dreRised for <ale at pnblic am-iion »t the »uction rooros »f Ianies F. M rcam in Honolnlo, ON WEDNESDAY, i the 14th <1»t of M»rch, 1S5H, at 12n<*>.-n, of * said day. Dated llonohiln, February 13, 1>'M. LAU CHONG, Ass guee ,f Moftgagee. Tbe po. mi es o»Tero.l br s«id m»rtgage oon»;-t ot—4 _cres »ilu«te m Hamoa, Han», 1 Mani. aad eonreyed t> said m»rtgagor br K.U»%, by deed dated «be 29th day of AnJ gust, 188.Ī and reconled in Lib«r 83. p*ttes ■ R>i aad 103. febI7 3w

WANTED Tfae following notnbers of the HolomI'a: !*n M*t 30 Ko- 337 Joly 25 ō<» 1 •• 27 56» 2S...’ »:o .591 - 503 Teu cents » cop\ of e«cfa nou»i ber will be paid at ti;e Holomi'a lf Ang.