Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 21 February 1894 Edition 02 — P. G. Veracity. [ARTICLE]

P. G. Veracity.

— We liave before as the report ofMr. J. 11. Blonnt It is the rao»t j*stoundmg ii!ustrHtiou cf the laek of trnlh and bonesty for . vrhich the Keform Party is famoos in this commuaity. Most of oor renders will r©member the letter of Mr Dole to Mr. Steverjs wr.tten on the afternoon of the 17th of Janatty 1893. In it Mr Dole thanked Mr. Stevens for having rec-'gnized the Provisional (iovernment sttting at the same time that the Provisional Goverc- i m**nt was not yet in possessiou of the Staticn Hon.se aud that as darkness v>as coming ou it woold perhaps be difficolt for tbem to capturo it uiUioul the a*si*tance of L . S. M<irinen, ln spiio of tbis letter w hieh cannot bo undcrst">")d very well the five commissioners rt8 ( >resenting the P G. w rote on the lltb of Februaiy to Secretary of State Fostor the following paragraph; Sixth. —At the time the Provisiocal Goverument took possessiou r>( the governmont build.ng uo Ameiiean troops or ofllcers wore present or took part in such proceedings in any mann* r w!iatever. No public recoguition was accorded tho P. G. bytheAmeriean minister until they were in posses-ion of the government i)uildntgs, the anhives and the treasury, anppoīieU hy *everal huruirei anued men aml after ihe ahilieaiion hy the Queen an<l the 8urrender to the Provisional (joverniutnt of herfocces. Mr. Blount in coiamonting on tbis s >ys: ‘*Mark the words “and after Uie abdicution by tho Quoen, and tho surrender to the Pro vihioual Governmei t of her forces? Jt issigned L. A Thurs- ! ton, W. C Wilder, William K. Castlo, J. Marsden rnd Chas. L. Carter. I).d the spirit of acnex at ou mislead gentlemfcn? If not. i wbat malign iuAueuee terpt«d President Dolo to a coutrarv statement in his cited letter to th>* Amerioan Miuister?” We need not add anything to Iho comment of Mr. Blount. j The five comraissīoners who have boen caught in an open anddirect lie shonld bo ashamed of them- | ‘ selves—if they yet have any ' feelings of decencv loft. Mr. W. , J * I K. Castle who now is President i of the Board «f £ducation, and i therefore should be considered u | j shining Iight of morality, truth, veracity, honor, and any amount of othor great virtnes should be raade to expla<n how he eame to be *'mislead” in sueh a remark C able degree. j * i i